Gas station gas prices have fallen for 15 weeks… “Possibility of an upward turn next week”

2024-01-20 02:33:00

  • [주유소 <사진=연합뉴스>] Gas prices at domestic gas stations have fallen for 15 consecutive weeks.

    However, as international oil prices continue to rise, domestic prices are likely to stop falling next week.

    According to Offinet, Korea National Oil Corporation’s oil price information system, the average selling price of gasoline at gas stations nationwide in the third week of this month was 1,564.2 won per liter, down 6 won from a week ago.

    The average selling price of diesel was 1,474.7 won, down 8 won per liter.

    The Korea Petroleum Association said that while international prices of diesel and gasoline are rising, the won-dollar exchange rate is also rising, so it is highly likely that domestic gas station prices will turn upward next week.

  • 1705721462
    #Gas #station #gas #prices #fallen #weeks.. #Possibility #upward #turn #week

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