Garzeno crime, the mystery of the missing money and the shop closed on Tuesday – RaiNews

His death remains a mystery Candido Montini a Garzeno. The 76-year-old, owner of a grocery store, was killed on Tuesday with numerous stab wounds to the neck and chest. A cut to the throat would have been fatal. The murder weapon has not yet been found. The man apparently tried to defend himself, as can be seen from the marks on his body. The community of the town in the Como area is shocked and many – reported the deputy mayor – would be ready to undergo DNA tests to find the killer.

The investigators, who limited their investigations to the area where the pensioner lived, found that the man, on Tuesday afternoon, he never reopened his shop after the lunch break. The crime could also have occurred in the afternoon. The results of the autopsy should clarify the time of the murder. Under scrutiny images from surveillance cameras on the stretch of road near the victim’s house.

The police are also focusing on the man’s wallet, found on the ground about twenty meters from Montini’s house. There was money missing inside: a theft or a misdirection? This is the question that those who investigate try to answer. And it remains to be understood where the man kept the cash receipts from his shop, in which it seems there was no POS for electronic payments, and how much they amounted to. The hypothesis that it is about money issues is among the most popular. But several elements remain a puzzle. In his home, for example, everything was in order. And it doesn’t appear that anyone has searched the furniture. The wedding ring, the watch and the forty euros that the pensioner had in his pocket were not taken.



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