Gary Neville predicts Liverpool’s position at the end of the English Premier League

be seen Gary Neville The former Manchester United player says Liverpool can finish the Premier League in the top four despite a poor start to the season.

Liverpool got 9 points out of 18 in the Premier League since its inception, after drawing in 3 matches, losing one match and winning only two matches.

The Reds are now seventh, 4 points off the top four, with Arsenal at the top of the competition, followed by Manchester City, Tottenham and Brighton who are in the Champions League qualification spots.

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Neville said in statements to the British “Sky” network: “I think that Manchester City, Liverpool and Tottenham will occupy the first three places, and then fourth place will be between Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester United.”

He added: “Liverpool He will improve when he recovers the injured, he will be among the top three, while I think the struggle for the other positions will be between Arsenal, Manchester United and Chelsea, because they are not as strong as Liverpool and Manchester City.

On Manchester United: “I think we still have a lot to do. We could have drawn with Liverpool and Arsenal, but in the end the result was in our favour. So there is a lot to improve, but I don’t agree with Roy Keane.”

Neville refers to the comments of fellow former Manchester United captain Roy Keane, who said he was certain the Red Devils would be in the top four by the end of the season.

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