Gartner: 17% of Total Cyber ​​Attacks Will Involve Generative AI by 2027

By 2027, 17% of total cyber attacks will involve generative AI. Gartner predicts this, adding that global spending on cybersecurity will grow 15% in 2025, to reach $212 billion. Global end-user spending on cybersecurity is estimated to reach $183.9 billion. This data is contained in the report “Forecast: Information Security, Worldwide, 2022-2028, 2Q24 Update.”

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GenAI to cause spike in cybersecurity resources

“The continually elevated threat environment, the movement to the cloud, and the talent shortage are pushing security to the top of the priority list and forcing chief information security officers (CISOs) to increase their organization’s security spending,” says Shailendra UpadhyaySenior research principal at Gartner. “In addition, organizations are currently assessing their endpoint protection platform (EPP) and endpoint detection and response (EDR) needs and making changes to improve their operational resilience and incident response in the wake of the CrowdStrike outage.”

The adoption of AI and generative AI (GenAI) continues to drive investment in security software markets such as application security, data security and privacy, and infrastructure protection. Through 2025, GenAI will cause a spike in the cybersecurity resources needed to protect itleading to a projected 15% increase in spending on security software (see Table).

End-user spending on cybersecurity by segment, global, 2023-2025 (US$ million)

Security Software76.57413,687.48114,2100.69215,1Security Services65.55613,674.47813,686.07315,6Network Security19.9856,221.9129,624.78713,1Total162.11512,7183.87213,4211.55215,1
Segment Expenditure 2023 Growth 2023 (%) Expenditure 2024 Growth 2024 (%) Expenditure 2025 Growth 2025 (%)

Source: Gartner (August 2024)

Attackers also use LLMs for large-scale attacks

Since the introduction of GenAI, attackers are increasingly using tools in conjunction with large language models (LLMs) to conduct large-scale social engineering attacks, with Gartner predicting that 17% of total cyberattacks/data leaks will involve generative AI by 2027. As organizations continue to move to the cloud, Gartner analysts predict a rise in cloud security solutions and the market share of cloud-native solutions will grow. The combined market for cloud access security brokers (CASBs) and cloud workload protection platforms (CWPPs) is estimated to reach $8.7 billion in 2025, up from $6.7 billion in 2024.

The global cybersecurity skills shortage is a major factor driving investment in the security services market (security consulting services, security professional services, and managed security services) which is expected to grow faster than other security segments.

Gartner clients can read more in the report “Forecast: Information Security, Worldwide, 2022-2028, 2Q24 Update.”

To learn more, Gartner’s free webinar is available “How to Plan, Prepare and Build  a Cybersecurity Strategy for the Future.”



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