García Luna accuses AMLO “and operators” of ties with drug trafficking

García Luna accuses AMLO “and operators” of ties with drug trafficking

This Tuesday, September 17, a new announcement was made Public letter written by Genaro García Lunaformer Secretary of Security, who is imprisoned in the United States, where accuses President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his operators of having links with drug trafficking leaders.

In the letter, which was released by journalists on social media and is handwritten, he states that precisely AMLO’s goal of “destroying the Judiciary” is to benefit criminals.

They confirm that it is a letter from Genaro García Luna

He Journalist Jesus Garcia He stated that The letter is real, confirmed by the team of lawyers of the former Mexican official.

He summarizes that in the letter García Luna’s statements do not differ much regarding the defense that there was a “plot” against himsomething dismissed by Judge Brian Cogan.

He claims that an appeal is underway, which is not possible, since such an appeal is filed after the sentence has been handed down.

Judicial reform, to protect AMLO?

He points out that García Luna, who at this moment has nothing to lose, accuses the Judicial Reform is linked to an attempt by AMLO to protect himself and uses as proof “the letter from ‘El Mayo’ Zambada!”

He accuses AMLO and his people of orchestrating everything against himbut also to prosecutors to ignore it. That is, it infers that prosecutors are colluding against him.

García Luna says he was offered a deal

Other journalist, Arturo Angelpoints out that the letter is Signed from Brooklyn Jail and was sent to him by one of García Luna’s lawyers, who claims that The New York Prosecutor’s Office wanted to offer him a deal but not to charge criminals but rather “people and institutions” with the aim of weakening Mexico.

In the letter, he insists on his innocence and says that he was convicted “without evidence,” with contradictory or invented statements by criminals and alleged “false” information provided by the López Obrador government.

He maintains that the letter from “El Mayo” Zambada, where he points out a Meeting with the Governor of Sinaloais alleged proof of the government’s links to organized crime.

And he says that at his trial the witnesses Operators close to AMLO were charged.

He says that he was recorded for more than two thousand hours by his cellmates who tried to incriminate him and claims that he is being held in “inhumane” conditions.

He claims that there is evidence linking AMLO to drug traffickers

In the letter, El Universal points out, García Luna also assures that there are audios, videos and communication records that link López Obrador and his operators with drug traffickers.

However, does not specify whether a government agency or dependency The United States has them in its possession and does not show them either.

“It is public knowledge and It is in the official records of Mexico and the US the contacts, videos, audios, photographs, communication records and management between the current president of Mexico, Andrés López Obrador, and his operators with the drug trafficking leaders and their families,” it states.

And he adds: “In particular with the drug traffickers who were used as witnesses against me during the trial, who even during the trial accuse President López Obrador and his operators of being linked to them and drug trafficking.”

He clarified that the four-page letter was sent by García Luna to journalist Keegan Hamilton, through a lawyer.

What is the status of the trial against García Luna?

According to Infobae, the letter is revealed a few days after the former Secretary of Security receives sentence in the United Stateswhich is agreed for next October 9thafter being found guilty of links to the Sinaloa Cartel.

The man, who at one point was called the supercop, claims that if he had accepted the deal, after being captured outside his apartment in Texas, then would have spent only half a year in detention.

“During the first few days, I was repeatedly offered a deal with the New York District Attorney’s Office to indict me for drug-related crimes. in exchange for being detained for a short time (6 months) and receive financial benefits, thus becoming a witness,” the letter reads.

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2024-09-25 23:50:53



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