Gaming. This professional player finds out on Twitter that his team is kicking him out

The New York Excelsior team, playing at a high level in the Overwatch video game, made a mistake on Twitter on Wednesday August 10. According Numerama, it announced the departure of one of its members when the latter had not been informed. The affected player, Seo Sang-min, known as Myunb0ng, learned of the news on the social network.

“Today we say goodbye to Myunb0ng. We want to thank him for his dedication and hard work over the past year and wish him the best for all his future endeavours”, the team said. A photo of the interested party with the mention “thank you, Myunb0ng”was also broadcast.

Lack of communication

Upon discovering the post, the 23-year-old South Korean player expressed his misunderstanding on Twitter. He published several messages referring to the publication of the New York Excelsior accompanied by question marks. Worse, Seo Sang-min had unknowingly welcomed his replacement, introduced by the team a few hours earlier. The latter evolves as “support”, the same position as Myunb0ng.

After noticing the blunder, New York Excelsior released a new message apologizing. “We failed to communicate properly with the team prior to this announcement being made”, they said. The team has also pledged to review the way it communicates in the future.

Recruited last January

The Overwatch League is a competition between two teams of six players in the first-person shooter game. They must therefore meet various challenges. Seo Sang-min joined the New York Excelsior team on January 7, 2022, after leaving another team playing in the same competition, the Boston Uprising, for which he had played between October 2019 and October 2021.

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