Gamer’s life saved by his Razer headset, which deflects a stray bullet

A gamer completely redefined the meaning of “being lucky in your bad luck” last week when he saw a stray bullet deflected by the Razer headset he was wearing on his head.

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The 18-year-old American, who resides in Torrance, California, shared his story on Reddit last week, sharing photos of the destroyed helmet and bullet holes at the same time.

Image courtoisie Reddit u/Enough_Dance_956

The netizen, who goes by the nickname Enough_Dance_956 on the platform, described being in his room last Wednesday around 10:30 a.m. when a stray bullet smashed through his window and ricocheted off the headband of his helmet, before dying. reaching a wall, then ending up on his bed.

Image courtoisie Reddit u/Enough_Dance_956

Members of Reddit doubting the veracity of the story, Enough_Dance_956 shared a few hours later additional pictures of the scene, one of which shows the projectile in question. The police, who came to investigate on the spot, would have picked up the bullet in order to analyze it.

Image courtoisie Reddit u/Enough_Dance_956

Image courtoisie Reddit u/Enough_Dance_956

“If it wasn’t for good quality headphones, I’d be a dead teenager at 18. I can’t even imagine all the pain my family and friends would have had to go through,” the very lucky player said on the chat platform.

Razer sends him new headphones

After sharing the details of his incredible misadventure, Enough_Dance_956 has repeatedly reached out to join the folks at Razer in thanking them for making the Kraken headset that obviously saved his life.

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By the magic of Reddit, and because he had recounted his incident in the group dedicated to the brand, the Internet user received comments from various members of the company under his publication, and even from its CEO, Min-Liang Tan. The latter then shared the story a few times on his twitter account.

Finalement, Enough_Dance_956 asserted having been contacted in due form by Razer on Tuesday morning, when the brand confirmed to him that it would send him a replacement headset.

In short, all’s well that ends well for a story that could otherwise have ended tragically. Like what there is to be lucky… and to be really lucky.


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