Game Insight Mobile Site, Diablo 2 Resurrection, Official Apology for Season 2 Delay

Blizzard has officially apologized for the delay in the introduction of Diablo 2 Resurrection Season 2.

Blizzard’s community manager, PezRadar, said on the PTR feedback site on the 7th that the update was postponed, saying, “We are sincerely sorry that we did not keep our promise to hold a new season every four months.”

The first season of Diablo 2 Resurrection began in late April and is still ongoing. Blizzard originally announced that it would conduct a ladder season every four months, so complaints from users about breaking the promise are continuing.

The PezRadar community manager explained that the reason season 2 is not being introduced is because the application of patch 2.5 is being delayed. This means that there are many problems found in the previous patch performed on the PTR server, so it is difficult to implement.

“We will be shutting down the PTR server soon and applying the 2.5 patch to the live server,” he said. Once the patch is applied, we will end the first season within a week and start the second season immediately.”

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