Gambling is not a child’s game | Austrian lotteries, December 5th, 2023

2023-12-05 08:20:06

Every year, the Austrian Lotteries appeal, especially in the run-up to Christmas, that gambling products are not suitable gifts for children and young people.

Vienna (OTS) This year, the Austrian Lotteries are once again taking part in the international campaign “Gambling is not child’s play”. The aim is to raise public awareness that gambling products do not belong in the hands of children and young people and are therefore not suitable as gifts for people under 18 years of age.

Erwin van Lambaart, General Director of the Austrian Lotteries: “For us, gambling is primarily a question of responsibility, which we take very seriously. That’s why we promote responsible behavior. And for us that means that professionalism in game handling and player protection has the highest priority. But it also means being aware of your social responsibility. And that’s why we’ve supported the Gift Responsibly Campaign since its inception.”

Results of international studies show connections between the age at first contact with gambling and the likelihood of experiencing gambling-related stress later in life. That was the impetus for the initiators of the “Gift Responsibly Campaign” – the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), Washington, and the International Center for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors at McGill University, Montreal – to launch this campaign under the then to launch the “Holiday Lottery Campaign”.

Since then, more than 80 responsible lotteries around the world have taken part in this campaign, actively helping to ensure that their lucky products end up in the right hands.

As part of its socio-political responsibility, it is a matter of course for the Austrian Lotteries to raise awareness of this message “Gambling is not child’s play” year after year in the run-up to Christmas. The campaign is present in all acceptance points for Austrian Lotteries products. In addition, postings on the Austrian Lotteries Facebook page remind us that lottery tickets, letter tickets and scratch cards are not suitable gifts for children and young people.

You can find a photo to download at:

Questions & Contact:

Christopher Reisinger
Corporate Communications
Austrian Lotteries GmbH
Tel.: +43 (1) 79070 – 31933

#Gambling #childs #game #Austrian #lotteries #December #5th

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