Gallery: the promenade became a food street – Lääne Elu

Photo: Malle-Liisa Raigla

3 images displayed, 16 images in the gallery

From Friday noon to Saturday late evening, the Haapsalu promenade has turned into a large food street, where more than 90 caterers offer food from the sound hall to the African beach.

In total, the food alley is 500 meters long. “The former location of Toitutänava on Karja street was a bit cramped, and we found an even better place for the event on the Haapsalu promenade,” said event organizer Daniil Kuznetsov.

Haapsalu city government banned food festivals on Karja street because they restricted access to businesses operating on the street. As an alternative, the city government offered festival organizers a promenade.

Now the boardwalk of the promenade and the park are full of caterers. In addition to Estonian entrepreneurs, street food providers from Latvia, Lithuania and Finland will participate. The crowd of food streets in Estonian cities allows us to say that this is the largest series of such events in the Baltic States.

As part of the food street, several DJ stages are open, and a burger-eating contest is traditionally held. There is a separate children’s area with trampolines and a lottery and a fair corner. You can try foods from China to Georgia.

Haapsalu food street is open on 26-27. in July from 12 to 11 p.m. “We have received very good feedback from visitors over the past two years, and this year we decided to make the food street a two-day event,” said Kuznetsov.

2024-07-26 10:27:25
#Gallery #promenade #food #street #Lääne #Elu



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