Gallery: Metsküla school celebrated Estonia’s birthday

Photos: Kaarel Kaisel

The Metsküla school family and community celebrated the 106th birthday of the Republic of Estonia today with a traditional act-party in the Metsküla public house. The hall was full once more, there were over a hundred of us. Püü Polma greeted the celebrants once more with a wonderful speech, whose reflections on our country, national defense and the importance of the Metsküla school brought tears to many eyes.

Striped skirts, checkered skirts and flower embroideries flew on the golden floor today for the honor and pride of our country. Colorful patterns drew out silhouettes, lace and braids proudly enveloped the celebrants.Â

It’s a holiday! Yes, it is the 106th birthday of the Republic of Estonia!

Just a year ago, we were confident, confident in ourselves and our stability, in our country and people. Also today? is Estonia’s 106th birthday different from the previous one? Is it easier or harder? Are we more insecure or confident than ever? Are our people tired or is energy consumption still on its way to us? How to stay on the ice is probably the biggest question of all of us.

Today’s concert-act gave time to think regarding these questions and at the same time to be strong, refresh the soul and support each other, breathe and be grateful for the people who have come together today. Look at who you are sitting next to, who is your neighbor and smile at him.

Me olime täna MetskÃ1⁄4las koos, Ã1⁄4xteisega and Ã1⁄4xteisele, et tähistada and pidada hingamispäeva.

Twisting and turning, the slender, straight stripes of the colorful skirts flew like moving images along the golden alley of the hall. These patterns are the heritage of our nation, feelings, wishes, good thoughts and strength are woven into these stripes. It is they who give the festive day the right color and mood, to forget the difficulties for a moment, to feel each other’s support and harmony. They make our feet dance and our hearts beat, our breaths ring and they give us home warmth.

Regardless of differences, the Metsküla school is important for our country as well as the municipality of Lääneranna and our people. Although the legal mills grinded some bad news for us this week, this is certainly not the end of the story. Our fight for the preservation of the school continues – in the name of the bright-eyed school cheerleaders who waved blue and white flags in the community hall today.

Our doors are also open to all supporters on March 8, when a charity concert for the preservation of Metsküla School will be held in the public house.

Long live Estonia! Long live Metsküla school! Long live!

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2024-02-24 13:55:28
#Gallery #Metsküla #school #celebrated #Estonias #birthday



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