Gabriel Attal defends “a speech of truth, of lucidity”

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19h21 : Laurent Wauquiez calls on the right to prepare the big meeting of 2027″. “My conviction is that we have a mission: to prepare the post-Macron today”said the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. “If I am president of the Republicans, the Republicans will accompany Laurent Wauquiez to the Elysée and make him win”declared the deputy LR Eric Ciotti, candidate for the presidency of the party.

18:00 : Let’s go back to the main titles of the afternoon:

• Should we tax the super profits made by certain companies, in this context of inflation? “I’m not closing the door”, responds the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne.

• The torrential rains that have been hitting the country for almost three months have killed more than 1,000 people, according to local authorities. More than 33 million inhabitants have been affected by the bad weather, which leaves devastated landscapes.

An investigation has been opened for “extortion attempts by an organized gang” on Paul Pogba. Earlier in the day, the lawyers of the player, his mother and his agent had denounced the declarations of his brother Mathias Pogba, who promises revelations “explosives” on his little brother who go “make a lot of noise”.

16h17 : “We cannot be deprived of our credits, and tell us on the other side, we will give you means of investment.”

The announcement of the creation of a green fund of 1.5 billion euros by Elisabeth Borne, to help communities in their energy transition, leaves skeptical André Laignel, first vice-president of the Association of mayors of France. On franceinfo, the mayor of Issoudun (Indre) believes that “The crisis has cost local authorities 7 billion, so this billion and a half is not enough, especially since we are told that there will be a drop in resources for the communities”.

15h26 : ???????? @MFesneau says he is in favor of water retention (mega-basins) “if it is to collect rainwater and multi-purpose (…) you have to be in favor of it otherwise there is no has more agriculture!”???? @letellier_ftv

15h26 : ☀️???? “There will be no drought tax” as in 1976 launches @MFesneau. The Minister of Agriculture announces more flexible criteria for compensating breeders affected by the drought: creation of a State emergency fund and tax relief on unbuilt land.

15h25 : On the issue of drought, Marc Fesneau announces more flexible criteria for compensating affected breeders. He also says he is in favor of water reservoirs “if it is to recover rainwater and multi-purpose”.

15h23 : ???????? It will take 100 million euros to replant the forests in the southwest after the fires according to @MFesneau, Minister of Agriculture.???? @letellier_ftv #dimpo

15h40 : It will be necessary “about 100 million euros to replant forests in the South West”, after the fires of this summer, according to the Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau. The priority is to “clean up the plots” et “enhance what can be, to prepare for replanting”.

15h01 : Increasing bills, inflation… Since the LFI summer school in the Drôme, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has promised a “general battle” in September. Gathered in a seminar in Metz, the executives of the majority answer to want “see the long term”.

14h48 : ➡️ On purchasing power????????️ “The State cannot, on its own, cancel the effects of inflation on the portfolio of the French. We also need companies.” Gabriel Attal (@GabrielAttal) in #LeGrandJury ???? @LeGrandJury @DamienFleurot

14h47 : The Minister for Action and Public Accounts calls on companies to “to act for the purchasing power of the French”, particularly via remuneration, in the face of the inflation that is affecting France. Gabriel Attal was the guest of the “Grand Jury” of RTL, LCI and Le Figarothis noon.

14h31 : Announcements, clarifications and some figures. In an interview with the newspaper The ParisianElisabeth Borne presented the paths of her government for the start of the school year. We summarize the main axes.


14h28 : “Until now we have not had to ask ourselves the question of access to raw materials. (…) The question of access to essential goods has never been posed in such acute terms as this summer.”

“We need to understand that the world has changed”said Olivier Véran, questioned by BFMT TV on Emmanuel Macron’s statement on the “end of abundance”. He cited in particular the difficulties of access to “the mustard”or the prices of “petrol, diesel” et “frozen meat”.

14h05 : 2 p.m. and dust, here is a new reminder of the titles:

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• Should we tax the super profits made by certain companies, in this context of inflation? “I’m not closing the door”, responds the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne.

• The Floods kill 119 in Pakistan in 24 hours, bringing the total death toll to 1,033 since June, according to local authorities. More than 33 million inhabitants were affected by the bad weather.

SOS Doctors Mulhouse announcement suspend its activities until tomorrow morning, after a doctor was attacked during a home visit. The patient’s companion injured him in the thigh, accusing him of having taken too long to arrive.

14h02 : Hello . I believe that you are confusing the RIC, citizens’ initiative referendum (a campaign promise of certain former presidential candidates, such as Jean-Luc Mélenchon), and the RIP, shared initiative referendum. As explained Public Senatethe latter exists since 2008 and “allows the organization of a referendum on the initiative of one fifth of the members of Parliament, i.e. 185 deputies and/or senators, and one tenth of the electorate, i.e. 4.5 million signatures”.

14h02 : A RIP initiated by a political party!? Is there not a problem?

13h43 : “The proposal of the first secretary of the PS, we do not reject it. It interests us, because the PS which is in the process of reconfiguring interests us as a partner.”

14h15 : Jean-Luc Mélenchon declared himself in favor of the proposal of the first secretary of the PS of a referendum of shared initiative (RIP) on the taxation of superprofits. “If the group accepts a referendum motion, all ‘rebellious’ will mobilize to gather the 4.5 million votes” necessary, he said during the LFI universities.

13h27 : Elisabeth Borne said “don’t close the door” to a tax on the superprofits of companies, in this context of inflation. The Insoumis, gathered during the party’s summer universities, “wary” et await details on the executive’s plans.

13h20 : Asked about the trail of a taxation of the superprofits of large groups, the vice-president of the Republicans, Gilles Platret, judges the idea “legit”. “When companies release insolent margins at a time when the people are suffering, it must be there is a tax. In times of crisis, you have to know how to take your responsibilities”, does he think.

13h20 : It’s noon, we rewind the news of this morning:

• Should we tax the super profits made by certain companies, in this context of inflation? “I’m not closing the door”, responds the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne.

• The Floods kill 119 in Pakistan in 24 hours, bringing the total death toll to 1,033 since June, according to local authorities. More than 33 million inhabitants were affected by the bad weather.

• Two American warships passed through the Taiwan Strait, Washington announced. This is a first since Chinese maneuvers near the island.

SOS Doctors Mulhouse announcement suspend its activities until tomorrow morning, after a doctor was attacked during a home visit. The patient’s companion injured him in the thigh, accusing him of having taken too long to arrive.

1:21 p.m : This is an idea that has come to the fore in the political debate: should the superprofits made by certain companies be taxed in a context of inflation? “I’m not closing the door”says the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, in an interview with the Parisian. But this track is not favored by the head of government.

10h06 : Finally, The Parisian publishes this morning, in its paper edition, the interview with the Prime Minister posted online last night. Elisabeth Borne announces the creation of a “green fund” endowed with 1.5 billion eurossintended to help local authorities fight against climate change.


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