Gábor Vona is running in Gyöngyös in the 2026 parliamentary election

According to his view, the 2026 election will be decisive, and for him the stake of this election is whether they can change the government. As he put it, “Viktor Orbán has to go for several reasons”. On the one hand, because this government has taken away hope from the people, it cannot provide them with security or public security, as well as legal security and emotional security. According to him, the current government cannot run the state – he cited the state of education, healthcare, transport and the economy as proof of this. In his opinion, it’s not just Covid or the war that people have been suffering from a livelihood crisis for quite a few years, it’s also the government’s responsibility.

“At this time, the government is wasting most of its time on completely unnecessary foreign policy adventures,” he declared.

According to Gábor Vona, in order to change the government, it is necessary to be able to defeat the candidates of the Fidesz-KDNP in the individual constituencies as well.

“I want to win this constituency, but not as a battlefield, but to create a consensus in this constituency. I could also say that I want to create an alliance of change, that is, I want to represent everyone who wants change in this country. I already have the title of my program: Prosperity and momentum. We have already started working on this program, but this program is still being written, and everyone can get involved,” he explained.

Gábor Vona also announced that he would invite László Horváth, the current Fidesz member of parliament for the region, to a debate.



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