Gábor Reviczky received the István Bujtor Lifetime Achievement Award

He received a lifetime achievement award István Bujtor Film Festivalon actor Gábor Reviczky on August 25 in Keszthely.

Rolls-Royce and Zsiguli, Hollywood and Csöpi Ötvös, old and brand-new films, stars and the audience, profession and entertainment – in four days, more than ten thousand people visited the programs of the 14th István Bujtor Film Festival at the new location in Keszthely. Those interested filled the cinema halls and exhibition spaces of the Balaton Theater, iconic filmmakers on the red carpet, two hundred vintage cars on the streets, rockabilly concerts, street parties and food tastings awaited the public.

In the presence of Judit Bujtor, amidst Hollywood appearances, the XIV. István Bujtor Film Festival in the heart of Lake Balaton, in Keszthely, where real encounters between the film industry and the audience took place in the spirit of humor, fun and sophisticated entertainment. On August 25, the prestigious István Bujtor Awards were presented, which were presented by Károly Frenreisz on behalf of the patron Bujtor family to the awardees, led by Gábor Reviczky, who received the Lifetime Achievement Award, who was the first to be congratulated on stage by the previous Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Róbert Koltai, and festival director Imre Lutter.

Cinema fans could see an Ötvös Csöpi film every night from August 22 to 25, and during the day, in addition to the parallel screenings of two cinemas, those interested could watch 64 films from the 85 films in competition, the actors and crew of which were interviewed by experts and the jury. beside. Rockabilly bands and DJ Dominique, Viktor Király, Péter Egri and the Mystery Gang and Péter Huzella took care of the hot atmosphere in front of the Balaton Theatre, in the heart of Keszthely.

There was exceptional interest in the Dave Gould exhibition, which was created jointly with the Hungarian Hollywood Council by the Latinovits Memorial Foundation, as well as the István Bujtor Memorial Exhibition, where, in addition to Gábor Pál’s models depicting Csöpi scenes, the public could view such relics as Mátyás Sándor’s hat, the Pagany The original statue of Madonna and the Fake Baby, the script, the reconstructed office of Doctor Kardos, film props and equipment, behind-the-scenes photos and István Bujtor’s personal items.

After Ilona Kassai and Róbert Koltai, Kossuth Award-winning actor Gábor Reviczky received the István Bujtor Lifetime Achievement Award at the István Bujtor Film Festival. Four films received the István Bujtor Award: the documentary film A Döntés (Holy Dilemma) by Márton Vizkelety and Julianna Ugrin, produced by Éclipse Film Kft., Corso Film and HBO Max Central Europe, and the film My Back Story by Északi Támpont, Chilton Directed by Flóra, produced by Bálint Tóth. This film represents the documentary field of the film festival in Hollywood at the Hungarian Film Festival in Los Angeles.

The best short film was Sunday Kidnapping. Péter Karácsony’s direction was awarded the Bujtor prize by the jury, as was the feature film Veronika Noémi Szakonyi – Hat hét, which was produced by Judit Romwalter from a screenplay by Artur Máté Vincze, Veronika Noémi Szakonyi and Dániel Daoud. The film tells the story of a teenager who is about to graduate and lives in difficult financial circumstances, who realizes her pregnancy late, so she decides to give her daughter up for adoption to a couple who have been waiting for many years, but she becomes insecure after the birth.

Gábor Reviczky receives the award from Imre Lutter – photo: Tibor Racskó

Francis’s visit and the film Cicaverzum bagged several awards, the former for the visuals, the latter for the performances, particularly Franciska Törőcsik and Adél Csobot, and the Bujtor Award-winning director Rozália Szeleczki was recognized for her wild, genre-bending, liberated film world. . The film was also invited to the Los Angeles Hungarian Film Festival. Emőke Zsigmond won the best female lead role for her role in Megafilm Service’s feature film The Blue Fox, while József Szarvas won the best male episode award for his role in Megafilm’s The Singer.

Mónika Stefán Kiss’s feature film Memento Mori – A Vácí Legenda, in which Nóra Trokán, Andrea Balázs, Iván Kamarás, Bálin Adorjáni, Andi Balázs, Lili Horváth and Balázs Czukor also play Gábor Reviczky, was awarded for the apt casting. The best female episode actress was Kati Takács from Francis’ visit. for the poignant portrayal of the episodic role in the film, Sámuel Visky’s film also won the award for best visuals.

Dániel Baki received an award for his neat acting in the film from the film Dub Hard, which also received an award for free expression of the personal voice in film language. Claudia Benkő and Zsolt Magyari’s 1939 was awarded the best short film direction. In the same category, the award for best cinematographer went to Áron Farkas for the visual world of the film Dániel Füzes Hogy ne vyszánz, while among the documentaries Betti Hejüsz and György Sibalin earned the same recognition for the work Mindhalálig, best director, best editor-editor, and Documentary directing was recognized for the film Varrat, with the award for Anna Kempf Márta and Anett Monok, the best dramaturgy for the two-part film The stumbles of a gentleman from a good house in the labyrinths of politics and emotions, while the most exciting use of music went to the film A hill is there, a person happens, With the work of Ákos Haszon.

Jenő Manninger, the mayor of Keszthely, said at the closing event: it has long been a cherished dream of the city with a long history to have its own film festival, but the Bujtor István Film Festival exceeded all expectations. In addition to the selected Hungarian films of the past two years, the Ötvös Csöpi films were also visited by legendary creators, and András Kern was present on two occasions. The new film by Gábor Piroch and Róbert Koltai was screened in front of a full house, and both were recognized by the jury. Piroch’s film Skyward Dreams received an award for its expressive depiction of the soul with autobiographical elements. Ildiko Gaál and In addition to the direction, András Surányi’s work Anyone Can Die was also awarded for the authentic portrayal of the relationship between the two characters, Ferenc Elek and Róbert Koltai received the award together.

Prize winners of the Bujtor István Film Festival – photo: Tibor Racskó

The best animated film was awarded to Cinemon Entertainment’s Kojot four souls, for which the direction of Áron Gauder, the animation direction of Zsolt Baumgartner and the screenplay of Géza Bereményi were all awarded by the festival. The Mystery of the Bagdad Chest, Rudolf Báthory’s film, received a special award for its characterful presentation of satirical humor.

Among the short films, Semmi, the work of Zsanett Urbán, won the best script, and among the documentaries, Carte Rouge, in which Pál Szalóczy made his debut. In the same film, the award for the narrator with the most dramatic tone was given to Gábor Reviczky, while the most entertaining narrator was Thuróczy Szabolcs, in the 2nd season of AMC Networks Forbidden Zones, the award was given to producer Péter Radnai. The Dunatáj Foundation’s Igaban, directed by Dezső Zsigmond, was recognized for its curious, patient and objective approach, while the film 2O23: LIGETI – György Ligeti born 100 years ago (directed by Máté Esztergályos) was recognized for its demanding, value-preserving work.

Filmever Stúdió Bt.’s film The King of the Grapes received an award for the sensitive representation of its content, Wine and Bread on Szent György-hegyen by Master Ákos was awarded for the unity of content and form. The former István Bujtor-bíjas Zsolt Poroszka Magyar – The story of acacia and honey, the “most Hungarian” tree, won the best nature film, the best sports portrait film Kata Oláh az Aki sözte az time – Ágnes Keleti (Makabor Studio), the best artist portrait Brlázs Ágnes and István Nagy On the wings of a butterfly – portrait of photographer Éva Keleti (MTVA).

Among the poetry films, Franciska Vincze-Simó’s film Érted received a special prize for its lyrical depiction of important social issues based on the texts of Kata Tisza, Lőrinc Pusztai for Gyula Juhász’s adaptation of Anna’s eternal poem, and Hajnalka Szabó and Krisztián Markos for adapting Sándor Reményik’s Sziklák Ps. Márta Hajduk’s poetry documentary, Rokonom, Petőfi, was recognized for its documentary exploration of the literary background, while István Borsody and Fruzsina Skrabski’s film about the Silver Team and the ’38 World Cup final was recognized for its demanding content and means of expression. Péter Karácsony (Sunday Kidnapping) and Márton Vizkelety and Julianna Ugrin (A Döntés / Holy Dilemma) will receive assistance in the production of their next film by using the technical equipment park at Origo Filmstúdió’s world-class production base.

Between the films, director Zoltán Tóth Alapi and journalist and performer Erika Király held moderated panel discussions with the creators. The works included in the screening program were screened in parallel in two halls at the Balaton Theater, where the jury members, director Gábor Ferenczi, actor Natasa Stork, producer-performer Imre Lutter, director Alfréd Wiegmann, director-cinematographer József Kalász, and producer Béla Bunyik consulted with the previously submitted expert opinion. with filmmakers.

The István Bujtor Film Festival closed on August 25th with the screening of the film Hamis a baba, with the once again packed audience meeting of Károly Frenreisz and Zoltán L. Dézsi. The festival was organized by the Latinovits Memorial Foundation, the Association of Magyar Versmondók and myspace production, and its main sponsors were the Keszthely City Municipality, VisitBalaton 365 and the National Cultural Fund.



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