Gabon Political Crisis: Concerns Rise as Military Takes Power

2023-09-02 21:04:29

Initially scheduled for Friday, this consultation is now scheduled for Sunday. And the day before, this Saturday, on the side of Alternance 2023, we did not hide the concerns about the way in which the military settled in power in Libreville.

The leaders of the opposition platform contacted by RFI remain on the same line, behind Albert Ondo OSSA: “ We cannot write off the results of the electoral process, one of them said. There is a winner. There is no reason to create a legal vacuum. In short: no transition needed.

On the same subjectGabonese opponent Albert Ondo Ossa: “It’s not a coup, it’s a palace revolution”

Even if they do not wish to speak at the microphone for the moment, these opponents are worried about the way in which the military unfolds their agenda. ” We take note of the role they played in preventing disorder, but we are not here to legitimize this coup. (…) We should not go from a civil dictatorship to a military dictatorship “, continues our interlocutor.

Another manager of the Alternance 2023 platform adds: “ We hear the promises, but it’s for the cameras, it’s only communication (…) If civil society wants to support a transition, it’s their choice, not ours. “These opposition leaders say it again: for them, we need “in-depth discussions between the junta and the platform”, at least a meeting with Albert Ondo Ossa. ” And that, said one of them, it doesn’t happen in front of the cameras ».

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#consultation #Alternance #platform #Sunday

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