Gabon, despite its high price, PMA appeals to many couples

2024-02-13 21:39:53

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In Gabon, infertile couples can now resort to in vitro fertilization. Since February 2022, the Libreville Mother-Child University Hospital Center has opened a service entirely dedicated to medically assisted procreation. Report by Ismaël OBIANG NZE, Marcel Amoko and André Yakana.

Also included is the DRC, where fighting again pitted government forces against M23 rebels on Tuesday around the strategic city of Sake, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Aurélie Bazzara-Kibangula.

In Sudan, is it the end of a week without telephone network? Since February 5, the country at war has been cut off from the rest of the world. But since the night of Monday to Tuesday, part of the population has once again had access to one of the country’s three operators. The correspondence of Bastien Renouil.

In Ivory Coast, after their victory in the CAN final at home, they were received at the presidency to be decorated. This is the third time that the Ivorian team has won this competition. M’ma Camara’s correspondence.

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