Gabon and the African Union: A New Chapter of Reinvention

The African Union is the last continental institution that has maintained its sanctions against Gabon more than a year after the August 30, 2023 coup that ousted the Bongo regime from power. On Saturday, the president of the African Union (AU) Commission, Chadian Moussa Faki Mahamat, was received in pomp at the presidential palace by General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, who overthrew the Bongos.

The president of the Gabonese transition has taken all the republican and military measures to prove to his host that the country is working wonderfully.

Red carpet from the gate, military honors, audience in the famous Moroccan salon of the palace, press conference, nothing was forgotten or done at random.

« I came today to express the African Union’s support for the transitional authorities and to inquire about developments “, declared the former head of Chadian diplomacy who became president of the African Union Commission.

« Gabon underwent a change a little over a year ago and was suspended from the African Union. But suspension does not mean lack of cooperation with the African Union. “, he justified during the press conference.

Moussa Faki Mahamat and Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema © Com PR

« Moreover, the decision expressly requested the commission to support this country in its return to constitutional order. ” he continued.

« What characterizes the transition in Gabon is its inclusive and participatory nature. “, Moussa Faki noted before adding ” we have seen it in the composition of the transition bodies. This climate is appreciated ».

Autopsy of the political situation

Before Moussa Faki’s arrival in Gabon, a strong delegation from the AU Peace and Security Council visited the country. Led by his present, Ewumbue Monono, Cameroon’s ambassador to the African Union, the delegation conducted an autopsy of the political situation in Gabon from August 30, 2023, the date of the coup, to date.

« The Peace and Security Council of the African Union has just visited here. It has very favourable memories of it. », summed up Moussa Faki.

Perspectives favorables

The president of the AU Commission, who had not set foot in Gabon since the military took power, saw favourable political prospects emerging in Gabon.

« I note that the constitution is already on the table of parliament and that in the coming weeks, a referendum will be organized for the adoption of the constitution. ” he said.

Audience in the Moroccan lounge of the presidential palace © Com PR

« These are important steps towards a return to constitutional order and to the African Union. We eagerly await Gabon’s return to the African family. ” he hoped.

« So I came to express to both the authorities and the Gabonese people the support and solidarity of the African Union and to see what support the African Union Commission can provide so that Gabon can organize its elections and return to its family. ” he concluded.

The comments of the president of the commission fell like a balm to the hearts of the transitional authorities who have been working for months on the end of the sanctions of the pan-African organization against Gabon.

The Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) has mandated the president of its Commission, the Angolan Gilberto Dapiedade Verissimo, to plead in favour of Gabon’s return to the great African family.

Commissioner Verissimo has visited Addis Ababa several times for this purpose. Libreville is still waiting for the decision that will be taken after the double visit of the Peace and Security Council and that of Moussa Faki.

Carl Nsitou

2024-09-15 14:20:28
#Gabon #African #Union #thaw

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What are the key outcomes of the African Union’s recent visit to Gabon?

The African Union’s Support for Gabon: A Step Towards Reconciliation

The African Union (AU) has taken a significant step towards reconciliation with Gabon, more than a year after the August 30, 2023, coup that ousted the Bongo regime from power. The President of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, recently visited Gabon and expressed the AU’s support for the transitional authorities and its commitment to helping the country return to constitutional order.

A Symbolic Visit

Moussa Faki Mahamat’s visit to Gabon was marked by pomp and ceremony, with red carpet treatments, military honors, and a press conference at the presidential palace. The President of the Gabonese transition, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, rolled out the red carpet to receive the AU Commission president, demonstrating his commitment to rebuilding relationships with the AU.

Support for the Transitional Authorities

During his visit, Moussa Faki Mahamat declared that the AU supports the transitional authorities in Gabon and is committed to helping the country return to constitutional order. He emphasized that the AU’s suspension of Gabon does not mean a lack of cooperation, but rather a commitment to supporting the country’s transition.

Inclusive and Participatory Transition

Moussa Faki Mahamat praised the inclusive and participatory nature of the transition in Gabon, citing the composition of the transition bodies as an example of this commitment. He also commended the AU Peace and Security Council’s visit to Gabon, which conducted an autopsy of the political situation in the country since the August 30, 2023, coup.

Favourable Political Prospects

The AU Commission president saw favourable political prospects emerging in Gabon, citing the fact that the constitution is already on the table of parliament and that a referendum will be organized for its adoption in the coming weeks. He expressed his hope that these developments will pave the way for Gabon’s return to the AU.

Implications for Gabon’s Future

Moussa Faki Mahamat’s visit to Gabon has significant implications for the country’s future. It marks a turning point in the AU’s relationship with Gabon and paves the way for the country’s return to the AU fold. The visit also demonstrates the AU’s commitment to supporting democratic transitions and promoting peace and stability in Africa.


the African Union’s support for Gabon is a significant development that demonstrates the AU’s commitment to promoting peace, stability, and democratic transitions in Africa. Moussa Faki Mahamat’s visit to Gabon has marked a turning point in the AU’s relationship with Gabon and paves the way for the country’s return to the AU fold.

Keywords: African Union, Gabon, Moussa Faki Mahamat, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, AU Commission, Presidential Palace, Military Honors, Press Conference, Inclusive Transition, Participatory Transition, AU Peace and Security Council, Constitution, Referendum, Democratic Transitions, Peace and Stability.



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