Gabe Newell is forced to appear in court in Valve’s lawsuit against Wolfire Games

2023-11-25 13:11:28

Company Wolfire Games insists on the fact that the general director Valve is obliged to appear at a confrontation regarding an antimonopoly lawsuit. Gabe Newell initially requested a remote deposition due to Covid-related health concerns.

However, defendants note that Newell “is uniquely qualified to provide testimony on all aspects of business strategy“and that personal appearance will adequately assess the degree of confidence in Newell.

Court considered evidence that the head of Valve is being subjected to “at particular risk of serious illness“, unconvincing. Now he will have to be present in person to testify. He may wear a mask, but will have to remove it when answering questions. Newell is scheduled to appear in court on December 15, 2023.

Recall that Wolfire Games filed a lawsuit against Valve in 2021. The creators of Receiver and Overgrowth considered the commission Steam at a rate of 30% inflated, and the company is accused of prohibiting the sale of games at a reduced price on other trading platforms. Valve tried to dismiss the lawsuit, but it still made it to court hearings.

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