G7 urged Venezuelan authorities to stop human rights violations

  • Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani reiterated the request for independently verified election results to be shown

The foreign ministers of the G7 member countries, meeting on 24 September in the context of the UN General Assembly in New York, called on the Venezuelan authorities to put an end to human rights violations in the country.

In addition, representatives from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom expressed in a joint statement their “outrage” at the arrest warrant and threats against Edmundo González.

“We urge Venezuelan representatives to end all human rights violations and abuses, arbitrary detentions and widespread restrictions on fundamental freedoms, which particularly affect the political opposition, human rights defenders and representatives of independent media and civil society,” the group of countries concluded.

In the joint statement, the G7 also called for the release of all political prisoners in Venezuela.

Photo: EFE/ Ronald Peña R.

Post-electoral situation in Venezuela

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani spoke as a representative of the G7 to express “deep concern” about the post-election situation in Venezuela.

“The victory claimed by Nicolás Maduro lacks credibility and democratic legitimacy, as indicated by the reports of the UN Panel of Experts and independent international observers, as well as data published by the opposition,” said Tajani.

Foreign Ministers of G7 Member Countries They reiterated the request that the election results be shown complete and independently verified to ensure respect for the will of the Venezuelan people.

In the statement, the international representatives called on the international community to keep the issue of Venezuela high on the diplomatic agenda.

“We support the efforts of regional partners to facilitate the peaceful, democratic transition led by Venezuela that the people of Venezuela have clearly chosen in the polls,” the G7 said.

OVCS documented 14 daily protests in Venezuela during August
Photo: EFE

DD HH in the country

The UN Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela presented its most recent report on September 20 report in which he exposed the “serious violations of human rights” in the country.

During the 20th session of the UN Security Council, the president of the mission, Marta Valiñas, warned of increased repression in the context of the July 28 elections in Venezuela.

“These human rights violations are the result of a plan designed in advance and executed through different forms of repression to discourage, silence and nullify political opposition,” the mission representative stressed.

Valiñas said that the State’s actions represent a “continuation of the same line of conduct” that was characterized as crimes against humanity in other reports.

He added that the Venezuelan State’s “repressive machinery” continues to commit serious human rights violations, arbitrary arrests and aggravated crimes in the last year, especially since the presidential elections.

With information from EFE

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2024-09-25 06:52:21



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