G. Landsbergis: Russia uses sexual violence and coercion in Ukraine as another weapon

He also emphasized the role of the International Criminal Court in ensuring accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity and emphasized the need to establish a Special Tribunal for Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

“Victims must receive justice and reparations.” We must ensure that they have access to all services, justice and reparations for sexual violence. We must work together to ensure this and mitigate the traumatizing consequences of Russia’s brutal war,” said G. Landsbergis.

G. Landsbergis cited shocking data from international organizations: victims of violence are from 4 to over 80 years old, violence is committed in front of the family, and their relatives are killed. Sex crimes are likely much more common than the numbers we know because stigma and fear keep many of them silent. There is also a high risk of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. In addition, Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s healthcare facilities make medical services and consultations difficult to access.

“It is clear that Russia’s brutal and unprovoked aggression in Ukraine has created another humanitarian crisis, particularly affecting women and girls. Cases of sexual violence on a huge scale and unprecedented frequency in Ukraine testify that systemic sexual violence and coercion are used as a weapon,” said the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

G. Landsbergis thanked the United Nations Special Representative Pramila Patten, who came to the event, for constantly drawing the world’s attention to the sexual crimes committed by the Russian armed forces in Ukraine.

The minister asserted that Lithuania does not tolerate any kind of violence against children and women, defends and will continue to defend their rights all over the world, and will support Ukraine until victory in the fight against brutal aggression.

The international discussion “How to ensure effective protection, assistance and preventive measures for victims of sexual violence: national and global levels” was organized by the Ministry of Social Security and Labor at the Lithuanian National Library of M. Mažvydas.

#Landsbergis #Russia #sexual #violence #coercion #Ukraine #weapon
2024-09-22 01:40:13



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