FW Federation Chairman Karen: With the death of Richard Lugner, an entrepreneur and human legend is leaving us!

FW Federation Chairman Karen: With the death of Richard Lugner, an entrepreneur and human legend is leaving us!

2024-08-12 12:10:48

Vienna(OTS) –

With the death today of 91-year-old engineer Richard Lugner, the “guru of nation-building,” an entrepreneurial and human legend faded from earthly life.

Lugner’s achievements for the Republic of Austria are very commendable, as Lugner entered the construction industry immediately after graduating from high school, initially specializing in small and medium-sized construction contracts and the construction of filling stations. He achieved his greatest success by building Lugnerstadt in Rudolfsheimfenhaus in Vienna, one of Austria’s most successful shopping centers.

Lugner was also an integral part of the social scene; he always organized distinguished and exciting guests at the Opera Balls, and with them he gained a great reputation outside Austria. In 1998, Richard Lugner ran for federal president and even received just under 10% of the vote. He had little interest in harsh party politics; in fact, he communicated well with all parties involved.

Matthias Krenn, President of the FW Federation, said sadly: “With the death of Richard Lugner, an entrepreneur and a human legend is leaving us. He was at the forefront of his career He was a success, created thousands of jobs, and was an integral part of the social scene. We will miss his charisma and his sharp, honest rhetoric; for Richard Roux. For Gurner, only good ideas and commitment to the country and its people count. As President of the Free Economic Federation, I express our sadness on behalf of our organization and extend my sincere condolences to the family of the deceased.

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