Matt Groening, creator of ‘Futurama’.
‘Futurama’, the animated series created by Matt Groening, will return to TELEVISION more than 20 years following its debut with twenty new episodes that can be seen on the American platform Hulu, owned by Disney. Groening, who is also responsible for ‘The Simpsons’, will once more take over the plot with David X. Cohen and the rest of the cast that gave voice to the characters in the original version, released in 1999 on the Fox channel. “When we were presented with the opportunity to deliver new episodes of ‘Futurama’, we mightn’t resist,” original content Hulu president Craig Erwich said in a statement, who recalled that the series “paved the way for adult animation.”
Although ‘ The Simpsons ‘is the longest-running cartoon series on television and has countless accolades, many fans of the genre have a predilection for’ Futurama’, which following its cancellation in 2003 reached cult status. The fiction is set in a hypothetical futuristic New York in which appears Fry, a pizza delivery man quite unhappy with his life that the day of the End of the Year of 1999 wakes up in the 3000. Fry gets a job at Planet Express Corporation, a parcel service that carries out deliveries across the five quadrants of the universe and befriends Leela, a mutant who drives the delivery ship.
Comedy Central regained the format in 2008 with a new season, but canceled its broadcast in 2013. From 2023, ‘Futurama’ will find a third life in Hulu, a ‘streaming’ platform known for hosting iconic adult animation series such as ‘American Dad’, ‘Family Guy’and’ Rick and Morty’. Hulu is only available in the US, but Disney usually premieres its series on platforms in other countries such as Star and Disney+.