Furious, Thomas Dermine balances why the MR blocked the tax reform plan: “It’s the whole population who loses”

2023-07-20 06:27:00

The failure of negotiations on the tax reform plan following a refusal by the Mouvement Réformateur (MR) has undermined the government. For two days, many political voices have been raised to criticize the Liberal Party.

I have great frustration“, recognizes Thomas Dermine (PS), invited this Thursday from 7:50 am to bel RTL Matin.We had a project that would increase the net salary of Belgians by several hundred euros. The whole population is the loser..”

There is a party for which it was more important to defend a few, a very small minority, very rich“, adds the Secretary of State for Recovery and Strategic Investments. “It’s not just the PS (which targets the MR, editor’s note). This morning, the Minister of Finance, who is from the centre-right, told us very clearly that one of the reasons why the MR refused was because we had proposed to increase the securities account tax from 0, 2% for those with more than 50 million euros.”

We must tell the Belgians: the party that claims to defend work is blocking reforms that benefit all workers in order to protect those who have more than 50 million euros in a securities account“, thunderbolt the Carolos.

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