Furious Altercation: Sergei Khoroshev’s Violent Clash with Liber Kpadonu and Samonina’s Mother” or “House 2 Drama: Sergei Khoroshev’s Aggression Towards Liber and Samonina’s Family

2023-06-18 13:01:51

Liber Kpadonu is outraged by the behavior of Sergei Khoroshev and considers him a boorish and ill-mannered young man. Live, a member of House 2 spoke regarding how Khoroshev was rude to her and threatened to throw a sofa on her from the second floor. Liba manages to defend herself in the dialogue, but she is afraid of assault from the stripper. We will see the details on the air of Dom 2 on 06/25/2023.

Today it became known that Sergei Khoroshev rushes with his fists at Liber and Samonina’s mother Tatyana. After the birthday of Dmitry Dmitrenko, there was a party in the kitchen, following which there was a scandal. Tatyana Vasilievna argued with the guys and defended the honor of her daughter, Sergey argued with her and did not concede in a showdown, as a result, the elder Samonina splashed foam at him and they practically fought.

Khoroshev is behaving disgustingly, says Liber, and Samonina’s mother does not like it when Sergey spreads rumors regarding Anya. Alexei Adeev succeeds in this too.
House 2 member Sergei Khoroshev throws his fists at Liber and Samonina's mother
Something incomprehensible is happening in the pair of Gorina and Khoroshev, who recently reconciled, as we wrote regarding in the sloka. Why does Sergey pay attention to all the members of House 2, except for his girlfriend?

#Sergey #Khoroshev #rushes #fists #Liber #mother #Samonina



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