Funeral of Richard Lugner: Vienna says goodbye to an icon –

On Saturday, August 31, 2024, family, friends and numerous Viennese gathered in St. Stephen’s Cathedral to pay their last respects to Richard Lugner.

Jacqueline Lugner, the daughter of the deceased, accompanied her father on his final journey. She was supported by her husband Leo and her mother Christina, Lugner’s ex-wife. Lugner’s last wife Simone and his sons Alexander and Andreas also took part in the ceremony. Other mourners included former partners such as Anastasia Sokol (“Katzi”) and Nina Bruckner (“Bambi”) as well as close friends such as the plastic surgeon Artur Worseg and the astrologer Gerda Rogers.

Cathedral priest Toni Faber honors Lugner’s life’s work

Cathedral priest Toni Faber opened the ceremony and emphasized that the memorial service was a thank you for Lugner’s life’s work and not the beginning of a canonization. Faber spoke of Lugner’s tireless search for love and God’s blessing and wished him that all unfinished aspects of his life would be completed by God.

Norbert Hofer gave a speech

In his speech, the third President of the National Council, Norbert Hofer (FPÖ), a personal friend of Lugner, highlighted the many facets of the architect. He described Lugner as a successful entrepreneur, a loving family man and a loyal friend. Hofer stressed that Lugner had not only created buildings, but also places for the joy of life. Lugner’s role as a “architect of society” and his influence on the Opera Ball were particularly noteworthy.

Harley-Davidson escort and public memorial service

The funeral car, accompanied by a Harley-Davidson escort, reached St. Stephen’s Cathedral at 8 a.m. The coffin, decorated with a top hat – a trademark of the Opera Ball star – was brought into the cathedral. Numerous people had gathered in front of the cathedral, including some in “Gemma Lugner schaun” T-shirts and others in tailcoats and top hats.

Farewell tour in Lugner City and Opera

After the ceremony, Lugner’s coffin was lifted into the hearse to the accompaniment of the “Radetzky March”. The motorcade led to Lugner’s most important places of work: the State Opera and the Lugner City, where the public part of the funeral service ended. The private burial will take place in the closest family circle at the Grinzinger Cemetery in Döbling.



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