Functionalist opposition | Profile

2024-05-08 08:30:00

The Government seems aimed at ensuring that the Senate validate the half sanction that the Law Bases and the prosecutor obtained in Deputies. With or without changes, almost no one expects a rejection.

There’s a merit of the ruling party, certainly. With squalid legislative forces, learned from the slap February and this time negotiated more and better. Despite the mileista story, he even winked at the resumption of public works to seduce supposedly unbreakable provincial wills.

In recognition we must include the dialogue forces, of course. Whether the change is military, anti-Kirchnerist or convenience (no variable is exclusive of the others), they are shown determined to help give governability to a force as inexperienced as it is eccentric. Let’s maintain diplomacy in the adjectives.

Authoritarians don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

“Nestorlibertarianism” is illuminated

However, it happens that for Javier Milei’s administration there is also another essential contribution: how functional the fierce opposition from anchored Peronismdespite not assuming it, in the previous management.

There, for example, it reappeared ten days ago Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, giving another celebratory master class of times gone by, with her and her husband obviously. And without taking responsibility for the recent and regrettable government performance of the Frente de Todos. The same old song, Axel Kicillof could say.

Last weekend the former president joined this provocative musicality Alberto Fernandez. Without moving a muscle he repeated his refrain that Olivosgate was a mistake (but he sowed doubts about the delay between it happening and it breaking out, typical) and that he avoided breaking the FdT. He added a verse to it, as a result of his recent judicial difficulties due to the insurance case: he swore honesty, transparency and that it is an operation against him. Little creativity.

The discussion in the Senate for the Bases Law.

This double return to the public debate of those who headed the previous government served the current government. From the President himself to his spokesperson, they reveled in effortless responses, based on data and archival phrases that leave them in a bad light. As minimum. “It is convenient for us that they talk every day”comments a senior official.

In those same official corridors of the Casa Rosada, a kind of celebration before the new general strike of the CGTcalled for this Thursday the 9th.

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Without mobilization or transportation, the Government assumes that this second measure of strength by the labor union five months into the mandate will be felt in the main urban centers. But they are convinced that it will serve the libertarian team to deepen its narrative of confrontation with those who “don’t want to change anything”a strategy that for now continues to bear fruit despite the social and economic impact of the adjustment.

Kill your own

It would be worth remembering, as we have already pointed out on several occasions in PERFIL, that these disputes have different levels. Contrasting, let’s say. Thus, while influential union leaders paint their faces against the Milei administration, Under the table they agree on a watered-down labor reform, which safeguards many of the privileges (or “rights”) of the union caste. everyone happy.

Official sources recognize that there are also certain commitments of financial assistance via the Superintendence of Health Services to the social works of the unionsmany of them drowned by the general crisis and the sector in particular.

In the Chief of Staff, the Minister of the Interior’s promise even aroused smiling reactions, Guillermo Francos, to try to agree with the CGT to lift the strike. They say that For the first time, it did not dial a single telephone number: the Government is convinced that the union bosses are also functional for it.

#Functionalist #opposition #Profile

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