[Full ver.] EPEX ‘The Day the Fox Gets Married’ (Sunshower) Showcase Showcase full video|Wish·Keum Donghyun·Mu·Amin·Baekseung·Aiden·Yewang·Jeff

2023-04-26 09:12:57


#EPEX #EFEX #The day the fox gets married

On April 26, 2023, Ephex released their 5th mini-album ‘Prelude of Love Chapter 2. Growing Pains’.
The title song ‘Sunshower’ is from the legend of the fox, and the cloud that loved the fox turned into rain when the fox married the tiger, and soon following wishing the fox happiness, the day became sunny once more. put in

On April 26th of 2023, EPEX released their fifth mini album, ‘Prelude of Love Chapter 2. Growing Pains.’
The title song, ‘Sunshower,’ derives from a traditional Korean folk tale where a cloud fell in love with a fox, but once the fox married a tiger, the cloud becomes heartbroken and that is how rain falls from the sky. Once the cloud made peace with the fox’s happiness, the sky clears up. This tale is what the song is inspired by.

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#Full #ver #EPEX #Day #Fox #Married #Sunshower #Showcase #Showcase #full #videoWishKeum #DonghyunMuAminBaekseungAidenYewangJeff

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