“Full of life …”: Carola Varleta surprises after revealing that she is pregnant

The actress Carola Varleta surprised her followers after revealing on her social networks during the day this Monday that she is expecting her second baby.

Through her Instagram account, the announcer shared a series of photos where she revealed her big pregnancy belly, filling the web with tenderness.

“2022 full of LIFE. They have been intense days, but this guatita grows and grows ”, he explained, receiving affectionate messages.

The actress delved into her pregnancy through her radio program “Voy Contigo” on FMDos, where she gave details of how she found out about her second wait and how she has experienced the new adventure that she kept secret for several weeks.

“I do not have a name, we are going to do a contest … There are some attempts, but there are none that I say: this,” he said, laughing, joking with the event.

“La Pipa really wants to have a baby brother. She really wants to fulfill that role of sister and she asked me for it a long time ago. Now it is one thing to ask for it and another is to live it. I don’t know how she is going to live it, but I imagine that she will be a tremendous sister ”, he explained in the middle, referring to Filippa, his first daughter and filling himself with congratulations.

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