Full Experience, renewed staff and new courses at Avalon

New courses, new instructors and many opportunities to feel good. These are the most captivating ingredients of the new season of Avalon Wellness and Medical Center. The Borgo Grotta Gigante facility presented the new course schedule on Saturday 14 September and revealed to the public the many activities of its fitness department. A sort of test drivecalled Avalon Full Experienceto outline the uniqueness of a wellness and personal care offer that has no equal in the province of Trieste and that is constantly improving. Avalon Full Experience was a great success in terms of participation and feedback from participants: over 200 people, in various capacities, wanted to take part in the open day in which customers and interested parties got in touch with the new proposals of the renewed schedule, including courses in the gym, swimming pool and spa rituals.

«It was a natural and engaging way to introduce the new instructors and all the proposals that we have included in the “gym courses” and “pool courses” schedule for the season that has just begun – was the comment of the General Manager of Avalon Sara Barbato (in the center of the photo in a blue dress)-. The aim was to highlight our largely renewed staff, the human energy and professionalism of the individual instructors who are and will increasingly be an integral part of Avalon’s value proposition. The fitness area manager Giulio Borgino has done an excellent job in implementing a new gym class schedule. Alongside Luisa, Daria, Giorgio, Stefano Gant, Stefano Clagnan, Alessandro, Nicolò and Ana Maria who have long been appreciated instructors of the courses offered by Avalon, Borgino has brought a good number of enthusiastic and prepared new faces into the group of trainers: Gloria, Francesco, Filippo and Enrico will respectively take care of the Body Balance, Medical Fitness, Fit Boxe, Yoga Dolce and Power Yoga courses, activities that have aroused considerable appreciation and appreciation from those present since the beginning. The courses in our swimming pool are fully confirmed and represent a guarantee for lovers of water sports: the AcquaBike, AcquaTonic, AcquaCircuit, AcquaCycling and AcquaBike courses guarantee almost total coverage of customers’ needs”.

Medical and rehabilitation center, gym, swimming pool, spa, beauty salon and restaurant in a single structure immersed in the greenery of the Carso make Avalon increasingly the place to find your 360° well-being. “Yes – confirms Barbato -, we aim for an effective integration of the wide range of services offered by our center. The Avalon property has always been attentive to the satisfaction of those who turn to our staff for the care and improvement of their well-being and is increasingly directed towards pursuing strategies of customer care that make the experience lived in Avalon perceived as something pleasant, significant and useful in people’s lives”.

In the image gallery below: the Hall and Pool Course schedules with detailed descriptions of the courses | Learn more about:


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