Full coverage SYRIZA on Nikos Pappa – speaks of “character assassination” 2024-08-21 00:14:33

The SYRIZA statement in detail

The Mitsotakis government and its “paid guns”, from the media to internet trolls, have unfortunately reduced “murderous” operations to a daily routine, dangerously poisoning the public sphere. Such an operation has been launched in the last few days also against the MEP of SYRIZA-PS, Nikos Pappa.

In the editor’s favorite tactic, they enlisted selected dialogue clips, videos and “audio clips” peddled by far-right groups, lies about police officers who are no longer police officers, and after hiding the threats, curses and the stream of abuse against N.Pappa and those close to him, made a mass of accusations that were reproduced by their friendly mass media, passing hypocritically and for the purpose of disorientation to the “institutional” attack on their real target, SYRIZA-PS and its President, among others with statements by P. Marinakis and of the ND MEPs in favor of “values ​​and ideals”.

Let the New Democracy deal with the far-right, racist, homophobic and other “buds” that have found shelter and nourishment in its bosom and leave aside the throwing of mud against political opponents. Absolute respect to the police officers who act in the field, not to droplets that the police themselves have expelled from their bosoms and they rush to defend. Who used vulgar, homophobic, characterizations for the official opposition leader.

And a reminder: if you nurture the snake of fascism, it will eventually bite you.

PS As for the unprosecuted Mr. Romanos, let him better deal with the “paradigms” of the incompetent government policy that has allowed half of Attica to burn and the fire to reach Chalandri.

Mitsotakis from Penteli: We are here to heal wounds very quickly – Measures for those affected

ND for Papa: Enough of the fun! Mr. Kasselakis, you cannot be silent and hide any longer

Nikos Pappas: I will not stop! I will continue to answer them as they deserve – The uproar from the new audios and the reactions

Halkidiki: The owner of the amusement park and the operator of the game are temporarily free – “We will take it to the end” says the family

Palermo: The video of the sinking of the yacht is shocking – Hopes are fading for the six missing

“Your dirty mother will cry”: New audio with Nikos Pappa threatening – Intervention by ND MEPs

ND MEPs ask for the “immediate dismissal of Nikos Pappas”

#Full #coverage #SYRIZA #Nikos #Pappa #speaks #character #assassination



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