Fukuyama Cat Contaminated with Toxic Chemicals: Health Alerts and Safety Measures

2024-03-14 08:26:20

The Japanese city of Fukuyama is on alert, following a cat caused panic among residents, following it fell into a container containing toxic chemicals and “escaped,” without being found yet.

Newspaper quotes Washington Post The American newspaper, citing Japanese media, said that the cat fell into a container containing toxic materials at a metal paint factory in Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, which caused warnings from the country’s health authorities.

Surveillance cameras captured the cat leaving the Nomura metal plating factory on Sunday evening. One of the workers later saw dark yellow footprints moving away from a container containing a toxic and potentially deadly substance.

Japanese media reported that officials in Hiroshima Prefecture believe that the cat fell into the container before escaping from the factory.

The 11-foot vessel contains hexavalent chromium (VI), according to what the Asahi Shimbun newspaper reported.

For its part, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration indicated that the chemical “can cause skin rashes, irritation, eye and skin damage, and lung cancer, if inhaled.”

The Asahi newspaper reported that workers at the factory must wear masks and rubber gloves when handling the material.

Swallowing the substance can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and heart failure, in addition to damage to the intestines, liver, and kidneys, and may lead to death, according to the British Health Security Agency, which is responsible for protecting public health in the United Kingdom.

The cat’s whereregardings and fate are still unknown, according to the Washington Post.

The medical team in Fukuyama City explained that the cat may be dead, calling on people to “report any cat with deformities to city officials or the police,” stressing the necessity of not touching it at all.

Educational authorities also directed the need to inform local primary school students not to approach any cats that appear sick or abnormal, according to Nippon Channel.

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