Fuels: due to the fall in the price of a barrel of oil, gasoline and diesel prices have dropped by up to 3%

Starting next Tuesday, October 1st, fuel prices could decrease by up to 3 percent due to a drop in international prices of Brent oil, which serves as a reference in the Argentine market. “We are analyzing it,” said Horacio Marin. This comment was made during an energy industry event when he was asked about the possibility of fuel prices declining over the weekend.

The executive explained that the decision was prompted by the fact that, in the middle of the month, the international price of a barrel of oil – the Brent price used as a reference in Argentina – had fallen to $69. However, in recent days, it has rebounded and is now above $74, highlighting the complexities of tying domestic prices to international prices.

A reduction in fuel prices could relieve some pressure on the monthly inflation rate within a context where the Government anticipates that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) will converge to 2 percent by the end of the year.

Nevertheless, the fuel tax still requires an update, which is two quarters overdue, allowing the Ministry of Economy to boost revenue collection. Due to the accumulated inflation from the first and second quarters of the year, the increase that needs to be applied to the fuel tax (ICL) and carbon dioxide tax (IDC) would be approximately $139 for gasoline and $86 for diesel, based on calculations by Guillermo Lego, manager of the Confederation of Hydrocarbon and Related Marketing Entities (Cecha).

For October, the Government has set an increase of $10.79, which would represent a 1.02% rise in the price of gasoline at the pump. In the case of diesel, the increase would be $9.55, equating to a 0.88 percent rise, which could be offset by the decline in Brent prices.

Fuel Prices Set to Drop: Impact of International Brent Prices on Argentine Market

Overview of Expected Price Changes

Starting next Tuesday, October 1st, fuel prices in Argentina may decrease by up to 3 percent due to a notable decline in international prices of Brent oil, a key index for the Argentine fuel market. “We are analyzing it,” stated Horacio Marin during a recent energy industry event when asked about the prospects of a price drop over the weekend.

The Influence of Brent Oil Prices on Local Fuel Costs

As highlighted by Marin, the Brent oil price fell to $69 per barrel recently but has since rebounded above $74. This fluctuation demonstrates the complexity of aligning domestic fuel prices with international market trends.

Potential Inflation Relief Through Reduced Fuel Prices

A decline in fuel prices could significantly alleviate inflationary pressures, particularly as the Government aims to achieve a Consumer Price Index (CPI) convergence of 2 percent by year’s end. Lower fuel costs could contribute to this goal by reducing the overall costs of transportation and goods.

Insights on Fuel Tax Updates

Despite potential price drops, the fuel tax needs adjustments as it remains two quarters behind schedule. According to calculations by Guillermo Lego from the Confederation of Hydrocarbon and Related Marketing Entities (Cecha), unaddressed inflation would lead to an increase in the fuel tax (ICL) and carbon dioxide tax (IDC) of approximately:

Fuel Type Increase Due to Tax Adjustment
Gasoline $139
Diesel $86

This necessary adjustment could lead to increased revenue collection for the Ministry of Economy.

Government’s October Pricing Strategy

For October, the Government has set an expected rise in fuel prices due to tax adjustments. Specifically, the planned price changes are:

Fuel Type Potential Price Increase Percentage Increase
Gasoline $10.79 1.02%
Diesel $9.55 0.88%

These increases could potentially be offset by the anticipated drop in international Brent prices, creating a complex situation for consumers and policymakers alike.

Benefits of Lower Fuel Prices

  • Increased Affordability: For consumers, lower fuel costs translate into savings at the pump, allowing for increased discretionary spending.
  • Economic Stimulation: Reduced transportation costs can lead to lower prices on goods and services, stimulating local economies.
  • Environmental Impact: With the potential for less expensive biodiesel options, there could be a shift towards more sustainable energy sources.

Practical Tips for Consumers

As fluctuations in fuel prices remain uncertain, consumers can take proactive steps to manage costs:

  • Monitor local fuel prices regularly via apps or websites.
  • Consider fuel loyalty programs to take advantage of discounts.
  • Plan refueling to coincide with expected price drops or lower demand periods.

Case Studies: Effects of Fuel Price Changes

Historically, price changes in fuel have had various impacts. For example:

  • In 2020, a significant drop in oil prices due to pandemic-related restrictions resulted in decreased fuel prices across Argentina, which contributed to lower inflation rates during that time.
  • Conversely, when fuel prices spiked in 2022, the resulting transportation costs contributed to rising inflation and affected the overall cost of living for Argentinian citizens.


With the fluctuating nature of Brent oil prices and the potential impact on domestic fuel costs, it’s essential for both consumers and policymakers to stay informed. Navigating this complex landscape requires an understanding of not just pricing mechanics but also broader economic implications that affect daily life in Argentina.



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