Fueling Champions: How a Balanced Breakfast Can Protect Young Athletes from Nausea during School Sports

Fueling Champions: How a Balanced Breakfast Can Protect Young Athletes from Nausea during School Sports

A fourth-grade class from a school in the Bern agglomeration visits an indoor swimming pool in the morning to prepare for the Water Safety Check (WSC). In this test, the children must do a somersault in the water, swim 50 meters and stay afloat in one place for a minute. In doing so, they sometimes exert themselves greatly.

During practice, many children have increasing difficulty – not necessarily with the tasks in the water, but with their general condition. “Some felt sick while swimming today, and I found out that many of them had not eaten breakfast,” the teacher wrote to the parents. “Please make sure that the children eat breakfast in the morning, especially for sporting events.”

Smaller energy stores in children

It has been the case for children to leave the house without breakfast before. People have gotten used to it, or they don’t have enough time when it takes a little longer to get going after getting up. From a physiological point of view, children are more susceptible to hypoglycemia because «Since children and adolescents have smaller glycogen stores, a regular intake of carbohydrates is particularly important.» This is stated in the guidelines for the nutrition of athletic children from «Pediatrics Switzerland», the organization of Swiss pediatricians.

Requires a lot of energy: children swimming.

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And of course: the higher the intensity, the greater the need for carbohydrates. If the readily available energy reserves in the liver are empty, nausea or hunger cramps can be symptoms.

The metabolism in children is different

Children and adolescents are not simply small adults, “because they differ clearly from adults in physiological aspects, in energy and nutrient requirements and also in the functioning of their metabolism,” according to the recommendations of Pediatrics Switzerland. In the “red zone”, for example, they are less efficient than adults, but recover much more quickly from exertion.

What exactly children eat in the morning before exercising is not so important. Their needs depend largely on their size, level of development and activities. That It is crucial that they eat something – especially if school sports take place before the morning break. Even more important than for adults is a regular supply of energy, i.e. several small snacks instead of a few large meals. It is obvious that it should not just be chocolate and junk food.

Fueling Champions: How a Balanced Breakfast Can Protect Young Athletes from Nausea during School SportsNutrition discImage source: Swiss Society for Nutrition

Recommendation for a balanced diet for children: The nutrition disc.

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Children sense when they need energy

Children have a good sense of hunger and satiety – they should not be forced to eat their plate clean, nor is it malicious if they feel hungry again shortly after a meal. Amounts and preferences can change quickly and frequently – as long as they are healthy, fit and of a normal weight, there is no reason to worry, according to “Pediatrics Switzerland”.

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How does breakfast impact ⁤children’s physical performance during sports activities?

The⁢ Importance of Breakfast for Children’s Physical Performance

As children engage in various physical activities, it’s essential to ensure they have the necessary energy to perform at their best. A⁤ recent incident involving a fourth-grade class from a⁢ school in the Bern agglomeration highlights the significance of breakfast in ‌preparing for physical exertion. During⁢ a morning swim practice, many children struggled ⁣to complete the tasks, not due to lack of swimming skills, but because of their general condition. The teacher soon discovered​ that ⁣many of them had not eaten breakfast ⁢that morning.

Smaller ⁢Energy Stores in Children

Children are⁤ more susceptible to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) ‌due to their smaller glycogen stores. This means⁤ they require⁣ a regular intake of carbohydrates to maintain energy levels. Pediatrics Switzerland, an organization ⁤of ⁣Swiss pediatricians, emphasizes the importance of carbohydrate ​intake in children, especially‌ during physical activities.

The Metabolism in Children is Different

Children⁢ and​ adolescents are not just miniature adults. They differ significantly from adults in terms of physiological aspects, energy, and nutrient requirements, as well⁤ as their metabolism. Children are less ⁣efficient in the “red zone” but recover more quickly from exertion. Their energy needs vary depending on their size, level of development,⁣ and ⁣activities.

The Role of‌ Breakfast in‍ Children’s Physical Performance

What children eat in the morning⁢ before ⁣exercising is not as crucial⁢ as ensuring they eat something.⁤ A regular supply of energy is vital, especially if school sports take place before the⁢ morning break. This means providing multiple ⁤small snacks instead of a few large meals. It’s‌ obvious that junk food and chocolate should not be ‌the primary sources of energy.

Tips for Parents and Caregivers

  1. Ensure a balanced breakfast: Provide a nutrient-rich breakfast that includes complex carbohydrates, proteins, and ‌healthy fats.
  2. Encourage ‌regular snacks: Offer small,‌ frequent meals throughout the day to maintain energy ‍levels.
  3. Choose healthy options: Opt for whole foods, fruits, and vegetables instead⁢ of processed snacks.
  4. Monitor energy levels: Pay attention to your ​child’s energy levels and adjust their diet accordingly.
  5. Consult a pediatrician: If you have concerns about your‍ child’s energy⁢ levels‌ or physical performance, consult with ⁤a‌ pediatrician for personalized‌ advice.

By prioritizing ⁢breakfast and maintaining‍ a balanced diet, children can optimize their physical performance, stay focused, and enjoy ​their ‍activities to the fullest.



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