Fuel to the Flames: NATO’s Rejection of Russia’s Olive Branch Ignites a Brewing Storm

This came according to Grushko’s statements to the “Novosti” agency, where he continued: “I would like to remind you again that Russia has repeatedly presented various proposals to reduce the escalation since 2016. However, the alliance was not ready to have a serious conversation about any of them regarding the draft security guarantees, which were presented.” To Brussels in December 2021, which was rejected by NATO. “I think reasonable people in the West today deeply regret that.”

At the end of 2021, Russia published a draft treaty with the United States and an agreement with NATO regarding security guarantees, and on January 26, the United States and NATO provided written responses to these proposals.

In the draft agreement on security guarantees with NATO, Russia proposed excluding further expansion of the alliance and Ukraine’s joining it, and abandoning military activities on the territory of Ukraine and other countries in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, and Central Asia.

On January 26, 2022, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov sent a letter to his colleagues in NATO, the European Union countries, and Switzerland. The total number of people addressed in this letter was 37, which included a request to explain how these countries intend in practice to fulfill the obligations they have undertaken within the framework of the Organization. Security and Cooperation Europe is at the highest level on the indivisibility of security, failing to strengthen its own security at the expense of others, and communicating why it has no intention of doing so. Later, in February of the same year, Lavrov said that none of his fellow ministers responded to the letter directly.

Source: Novosti

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