Fuel: the new €100 bonus is coming this Monday, here is the form to fill out online to get it

From this Monday, January 16 at 9 a.m., it is possible to request a new aid of 100 euros for fuel online. It replaces the rebate of 10 cents per liter which ended on 31 December.

How not to penalize the purchasing power of the most fragile. While the rebate of 10 cents at the pump put in place by the government since last April ended on December 31, just like that of TotalEnergies, the executive had to anticipate the foreseeable rise in the price of a liter of fuel for French whose purchasing power has been largely weighed down by inflation for several months.

Announced on December 7, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne had promised aenvelope of 1 billion euros to finance a premium of 100 euros “for around 10 million people on the lowest incomes who need their car to go to work” and it is now possible to claim it.

Who will be entitled to it?

10 million French people are therefore eligible for this new boost. Not just anyone though: only working people.

This discount should support employees who need their car to get to work. However, it will be necessary to be considered “modest” in the eyes of the State to claim it. According to Bercy, it should not exceed 14,700 euros in 2021 per unit. It’s just over 1,310 euros net per month.

This aid will concern both cars and two-wheelers.

A low-income couple who owns two cars to claim it, twice, or €200 in all.

Conversely, a couple with large income gaps will not be able to claim aid, even if one of the household members is on the minimum wage.

  • €1,314 net/month for a single person
  • €3,285 net/month for a couple with one child
  • €3,285 net/month for a single woman with two children
  • €3,941 net/month for a couple with two children
  • €5,255 net/month for a couple with three children

When ?

You can apply for fuel allowance as of January 16, 2023, using a form that has just been posted on the impots.gouv.fr website. Your request must be made before February 28, 2023.

“All those who use their vehicle to go to work will be able to get help on [le site de] the Directorate General of Public Finances […]. We wanted, with Elisabeth Borne, to make it simple, massive and immediate”, explains Bruno Le Maire.

This compensation is only paid by transfer to the bank account known to the tax authorities for your income tax

Comment ?

Payment is not automatic! It will therefore be necessary to register on the tax site (impots.gouv.fr), enter their tax number and license plate. The state can then verify that you are employed or self-employed, that you own a vehicle and, above all, that you drive it. The allocation of this aid will be subject to a sworn statement and the Ministry of the Economy has already announced that there will be controls…and sanctions.

Elisabeth Borne clarified that this aid of €100 corresponded to a discount of 10 cents per liter “if you drive an average of 12,000 km per year, which is the average for the French”.

And it is precisely this notion of 12,000 km that raises questions. Already in mid-November, Gabriel Attal, Minister of the Budget, mentioned the possibility of giving a boost to the “big rollers” uniquely. A condition obviously too complicated to implement.

And the unemployed?

What regarding modest French people, who own a car but do not work? “We have reinforced the budgets of Pôle emploi to support job seekers who need to travel to find a job. We are generally acting for the purchasing power of the French people. I am well aware that this is a concern for the French”, replies Elisabeth Borne. A priori, therefore, they will not be concerned by the aid, just like fathers and mothers at home.

The Minister for Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, said for her part this Wednesday that “our objective is that the middle classes who work can continue to do so without their purchasing power being too amputated”.

To obtain this aid, you must also not be liable for property wealth tax (IFI) for 2021.



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