Fuel prices: the Vivaldi, under very high pressure, will “look at this in the coming days”

If no concrete proposal arrives on the table, some ministers are ready to put pressure on excise duties.

On Tuesday, gasoline passed the 2 euro per liter mark. A price record that definitely puts pressure on the federal government. Opposition as a majority, ministers as deputies or party presidents, all seem to agree on the fact that a solution must be found urgently to reduce the bill for Belgian motorists. But until today, no concrete proposal has yet arrived on the table of the government.

Almost unanimously, all sensitivities seem to be in favor of activating an inverted ratchet, this mechanism which lowers excise duties when the price at the pump exceeds a certain threshold.

The proposal was formulated this weekend by Georges-Louis Bouchez, the president of the MR. It was echoed by Ecolo, Groen and Vooruit who do not exclude it but consider it within a broader framework to protect citizens from rising energy prices.

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