Fuel prices. Diesel goes down again, SP95-E10 goes up again

For the period from May 7 to 13, 2022, the prices of the best-selling fuels in France experienced various changes, with a drop for diesel after two weeks of increase, and a slight increase which continues for SP95-E10.

Le Ministry of Ecological Transition publishes every Monday at the beginning of the afternoon the average fuel prices recorded the previous week in French service stations.

In week 19, from May 7 to 13, the average price of a liter of diesel was €1.8784 per litre, down 6.5 cents compared to the previous week.

The other top-selling fuel, SP95-E10, continues to rise with a rise of 2.8 cents. Its average price was €1.823 per litre.

The government, whose days are numberedis currently working on the replacement measure of the fuel discountscheduled to end on July 31.

This aid could be extended, probably in a more targeted way, but it will be up to the next government to define the contours of the measure.

Fuel prices. Diesel goes down again, SP95-E10 goes up again

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