FSLI and FSE “SPIRU HARET”: Education employees will take to the streets again next week!

The Federation of Free Trade Unions in Education and the Federation of Trade Unions in Education “SPIRU HARET” strongly condemns the attitude of the members of the Romanian Government who have not come up to this hour with a solution in front of the employees in education, despite the chain protests organized during this period!

We believe that the lack of social dialogue, which should have been initiated by the government, exposes not only the inability of the Executive to take care of the employees of this education system, but also the bad will of the governors who do not even make an effort to identify ways by which the problems of this system will be solved! Disdain and disinterest towards education in Romania are rolled from one government to another.

We remind you that during March 14-16, 2023, over 1,500 colleagues, teaching staff, as well as auxiliary teaching and non-teaching staff, from the county organizations affiliated to FSLI, picketed the headquarters of the prefectures in the following counties: Constanţa, Ialomiţa, Gorj, Buzau, Argeş, Calarasi, Dolj and Prahova.

Also, several county organizations affiliated to the FSE “SPIRU HARET” organized meetings with the parliamentarians from the electoral constituencies and requested the meeting of the Social Dialogue Commissions at the Prefecture level to present the grievances and requests of the education employees.

We are more determined than ever not to give up our right by which we demand to be given due respect but also the chance for a decent living, which can be possible by increasing salaries. Thus, the protests will continue in the week of March 20-24, 2023, when there will be new pickets of the headquarters of the prefectures in other counties, trade union actions in which members of the trade union organizations affiliated to FSLI and FSE will take part SPIRU HARET”.

FSLI and FSE “SPIRU HARET” urgently ask the Romanian Government to find solutions to the following:

a) solving the problem of the full application of the provisions of the Law – framework no. 153/2017 for all categories of employees in education, so that all categories of employees in the educational system benefit from the basic salary provided by this law for the year 2022;

b) identifying solutions to increase the income of auxiliary teaching staff;

c) the adoption, as an emergency, of the regulations for non-teaching staff and auxiliary teaching staff, considering that the regulations that apply are from 1998;

d) the application of the regulations regarding the granting of increases for working conditions, since employees in education are the only budget categories that do not benefit from the granting of these increases;

e) in the new salary law, the proposed grid must position the education staff on a higher step than the current one in the hierarchy of budgetary functions, in relation to the social importance of the activity performed;

f) remedying the current anomalies regarding the remuneration of those who occupy positions of leadership, guidance and control, considering that, following their incomes have remained unchanged in the last four years, it is found that they are inferior to employees who occupy positions of execution ;

g) establishing, by law, the rule of annual indexation of staff salaries paid from public funds, with the inflation rate;

h) additional payment of staff from educational units/institutions nominated in project teams financed from non-reimbursable European funds;

i) payment of additional hours performed by auxiliary teaching and non-teaching staff.

The protests will continue in the following months:

  1. Picketing the Government headquarters and the headquarters of the prefectures in March and April 2023;
  2. Protest march held in Bucharest in May 2023;
  3. The initiation of the general strike in the last decade of May;
  4. Other specific actions.




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