Frustration Over Delayed Doctor Appointments: Mayor Advocates Collaboration, Ubaldi Blames Leadership

Andrea Michelini

Of Luca Patrassi

The hundreds of people queuing in Porto Recanati in recent days to change their trusted doctor continue to animate the city debateYesterday the director general of Ast Marco Ricci intervened to explain what happened, today the mayor intervenes again Andrea Michelini and city councilor and former mayor Rosalba Ubaldi also expressed her thoughts.

Observe Mayor Michelini: «On that day I was not in the city because I was busy in the morning at the Enrico Medi school complex in Porto Recanati, at the Aato in Macerata and in the afternoon in Potenza Picena. It is clear that I could not go down to the Ast offices in Porto Recanati and therefore I must unfortunately deny the statements of the director Ricci, who was poorly informed. As mayor, informed of the disruptions that occurred, even at the regional IT level, in the Ast offices, I felt it was my duty to clarify to my fellow citizens that the entire organization of the service in question, as also declared by the director, was the responsibility of the competent Ast and not of the Municipality of Porto Recanati.

The administration on its own initiative, given the difficult situation of its fellow citizens and driven by a collaborative spirit, as also happened in previous and similar situations, through the competent municipal delegate sent volunteers from our Civil Protection to the offices of the AST, to be able to assist in every way the numerous citizens in line. Many, given the working day, have organized themselves, as per Ast regulations, with the delegations increasing waiting times. I am not aware that the Ast has foreseen a minimum number of presentable proxies. The collaborative spirit with the local Ast has never been lacking. As mayor, as an institution, informed of the situation, I have provided my contribution as far as I am competent, as I have always done in the exercise of my function. I hope that in the future, situations of this kind will not arise again for our fellow citizens”.


Marco Ricci, General Manager of Ast Macerata

For his part, the Ast director reiterates what he said yesterday about the work done and adds: «My job is not to create controversy but to organize the services to the best of my ability. to guarantee health care to citizens. Certainly everything can be improved and we are committed to this”.

Councilor Rosalba Ubaldi: «It’s someone else’s fault, this is the mayor’s usual response every time a problem arisesas I understand that in the morning he was at school and I certainly have no difficulty in believing that in the afternoon he had other commitments. I verified in person, last Thursday, that in the morning at noon there were still people in line, whom I know and with whom I have spoken, since 7. It is also true that there were volunteers from the Civil Protection, even if – from what I saw, around 11.30 when I passed by to go to the municipal offices on the upper floors – people were patiently in line and it does not seem to me that, apart from some obvious grumbling, there had been any disorder. Since the situation manifested itself since early in the morning, perhaps, the mayor could and should have immediately called the AST and the director Ricci that could have – in an emergency – sent additional staff to the counters and I think that it would have done so with due diligence precisely because of that spirit of collaboration that between institutions – and I am referring to personal experience – has never been lacking and has always been absolutely profitable. It was equally predictable that, not organizing themselves in time, the users would show up to choose the new doctor all together. Evidently, everyone waited until the last available day and everyone was afraid of not finding availability».

In line at dawn to choose a doctor, Ricci: “I did what I could, I apologize for the inconvenience. There are those who showed up with twenty proxies”

The GP retires, hundreds queue at the outpatient clinic at dawn

– What role did Mayor Andrea Michelini attribute to the Local Health⁤ Authority in the Porto Recanati healthcare situation? ⁣

Porto‌ Recanati’s Healthcare ​Chaos: Mayor Andrea Michelini and Councilor Rosalba Ubaldi ​Weigh In

In the aftermath​ of the recent healthcare‍ debacle in Porto ⁣Recanati, Mayor Andrea Michelini and Councilor Rosalba Ubaldi have shared their perspectives on⁤ the situation. The controversy ​began when hundreds of citizens queued ‌up to change‍ their trusted ​doctor, ⁣prompting widespread discontent and debate.

Mayor Michelini’s Take

Mayor Michelini explained that he was not present ⁤in the ⁣city on the​ day of the incident due to prior commitments. However, he⁣ emphasized that ​he was informed about the ⁢disruptions and felt it ⁢was his duty ‌to ⁢clarify to his⁤ fellow citizens that the organization ‌of the service was the⁣ responsibility of the competent Ast (Local Health Authority) and not the Municipality of Porto Recanati.

The mayor highlighted⁤ that his administration, driven by a collaborative spirit, sent volunteers from the Civil Protection to assist ‍citizens in line.⁢ He⁣ also emphasized that many⁢ citizens ‌had organized ⁤themselves according to Ast regulations, which contributed to the increased waiting times.

Councilor Ubaldi’s Critique

Councilor Rosalba Ubaldi countered that Mayor Michelini’s response was typical of his tendency to shift blame ​whenever a problem arises. She personally ‌verified the​ situation on the morning⁤ of ​the incident and observed that citizens had been waiting in line⁤ since 7 am.

While acknowledging the presence of Civil Protection volunteers, ‍Ubaldi suggested that the ‍mayor could have ​taken more decisive ⁢action by immediately contacting the Ast and⁤ Director Ricci ⁢to request additional⁢ staff to alleviate the situation. She⁢ believes that⁢ a more ‍proactive approach would have⁢ mitigated the chaos ⁤and demonstrated a genuine spirit of collaboration between institutions.

Director Ricci’s Rebuttal

Director Marco ​Ricci of Ast Macerata reiterated his commitment⁢ to organizing‌ services to the best of his ability, guaranteeing​ healthcare to ⁣citizens

– What was Mayor Andrea Michelini’s stance on the queues of people wanting to change their trusted doctor in Porto Recanati?

Andrea Michelini Clarifies the Situation: Collaborative Spirit and Delegation of Responsibilities

In recent days, the city of Porto Recanati has been abuzz with controversy surrounding the queues of people waiting to change their trusted doctor. The situation has sparked a heated debate, with various officials weighing in on the matter. Now, Mayor Andrea Michelini has spoken out to clarify the role of the municipality in the situation.

The Background

The issue began when hundreds of people gathered in Porto Recanati to change their trusted doctor, leading to long queues and frustration among citizens. In response, the director general of AST, Marco Ricci, intervened to explain the situation. However, Mayor Michelini and city councilor Rosalba Ubaldi have also expressed their views on the matter.

Mayor Michelini’s Statement

In a statement, Mayor Michelini emphasized that he was not present in the city on the day of the queues, as he was attending events elsewhere. He disputed the claims made by Director Ricci, stating that he had been poorly informed. As mayor, Michelini felt it was his duty to clarify to citizens that the organization of the service in question was the responsibility of AST, not the Municipality of Porto Recanati.

Michelini highlighted that the administration had sent volunteers from the Civil Protection to assist citizens at the AST offices, demonstrating a collaborative spirit. He also noted that many citizens had organized themselves using delegations, which increased waiting times. The mayor emphasized that the municipality had always maintained a collaborative spirit with the local AST.

Delegation of Responsibilities

At the heart of the issue is the question of who is responsible for the organization of the service. Mayor Michelini was clear that this responsibility lies with AST, not the Municipality of Porto Recanati. This is an important distinction, as it highlights the different roles and responsibilities of each entity.

The Importance of Collaboration

The situation in Porto Recanati has brought to light the importance of collaboration between different entities. Mayor Michelini’s statement emphasized the need for a collaborative spirit between the municipality and AST. This is essential for providing effective services to citizens and resolving issues efficiently.


The controversy in Porto Recanati has sparked a wider discussion about the organization of public services and the responsibilities of different entities. Mayor Andrea Michelini’s statement has provided clarity on the role of the municipality and emphasized the importance of collaboration. As citizens, it is essential to understand the different roles and responsibilities of various entities and to promote a spirit of cooperation.

Keywords: Andrea Michelini, Porto Recanati, AST, Marco Ricci, collaborative spirit, delegation of responsibilities, public services, municipality, organization.

Meta Description: Mayor Andrea Michelini clarifies the situation in Porto Recanati, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and delegation of responsibilities between the municipality and AST.

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