From writing Rigo to reviving “Cosiaca”: César Betancur’s dream come true, “Pucheros” on Teleantioquia

César Augusto Betancur, “Pucheros”, scriptwriter of “Cosiaca”. Photo: El Espectador
Cesar Augusto Betancur, “Pucheros” is the one who gave free rein to the story of “Cosiaca” that will be seen on Teleantioquia. He was born in Frontino, Antioquia and became the winner of multiple trova festivals. He started as a scriptwriter in El Manicomio de Vargasvil, on Caracol Radio and since 2005 he has been writing series and soap operas. Among the soap operas he has written are Muñoz vale por dos, La Selección (India Catalina Award for best script) and Las hermanitas Calle (India Catalina Award and TVyNovelas Award for best script).

Just wrote the Rigo seriesinspired by the life and sports career of cyclist Rigoberto Urán, and was part of the team that wrote the new season of Betty the ugly. Now, He fulfilled his dream of writing the story of “Cosiaca” for Teleantioquialed by Sergio Valencia, the former Maruja, from Tola and Maruja.

From idea to reality

Why did you decide to adapt the story of Cosiaca for Teleantioquia?

Because more than 100 years after his death, Cosiaca remains a great character who remains in the cultural imagination and oral tradition of the Antioquians. Furthermore, in a land that has been rich in comedians, it could be said that Cosiaca was the first. It is clear that he deserves a series dedicated to him, and it is also clear that this series should be presented by Teleantioquia. The team behind the project has a familiar and nice story to tell. In addition, the historical, cultural and economic background of Cosiaca is very interesting; it could be said that he was the one who was in charge of transforming Medellín from a town to a city.

What does the dream of seeing Cosiaca on Teleantioquia mean to you?

It is a great satisfaction for the whole team that has been pedaling this idea for about four years. We all have our jobs on national television, but making Cosiaca is a pleasure that we always wanted to give ourselves. It was not easy, but there we have it. We are seeing the light thanks to the efforts of Margarita Arango, the manager of Teleantioquia. It is a dream of many and there are many of us who are happy.

What will Colombia learn from Cosiaca and how will she fall in love with the character?

There is very little written about José María García, “Cosiaca”. There is not, or I do not know of, a complete book dedicated to him. He is known and remembered basically by oral tradition. It is known that he had a very good sense of humour, that he was resourceful when it came to eating and drinking for free because he was not a great fan of work, and that he was also very clever with words. That is the part of him that we want to show: the cart-thrower, the one who with words and verses got what he wanted, who entertained many, who took the stone out of a few others, but who did no harm to anyone.

It is about telling the story of a very simple guy, who did nothing extraordinary, who died more than a century ago, but who is still here talking about him.

How do you write for a character as beloved as Cosiaca, especially when many people don’t know him?

The fact that not much is known about Cosiaca, that many people don’t even know him, is an advantage for writing fiction about him, and we basically write based on what we know and what the character inspires us. Prior to writing the scripts, Sergio Valencia (ex Maruja, from Tola y Maruja), did some research on CosiacaThen, with the director, the producer and the protagonist, we had meetings to put together the profile that we should give to the character and to all agree on the tone that the series should have, which, I repeat, will be something very familiar and very nice. I hope that everyone likes it.

Sergio Valencia has become an indispensable ally for the research and support in writing these scripts. His experience and great sense of humor will take this project to another level.

These guys are the ones who wrote my story… a talented pair!

The announcement of part of the cast and the main actor will be made soon. The most recognized actors of Colombia will be there. And you know that where there is partying and hubbub, there is Cosiaca.

2024-09-22 15:00:41
#writing #Rigo #reviving #Cosiaca #César #Betancurs #dream #true #Pucheros #Teleantioquia



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