From what amount the consumptions with debit must be reported by the banks

2023-05-02 18:19:36

The inflationary acceleration causes a real delay of all those amounts that do not have an updating mechanism. This happened with debit card consumption from which banks and fintechs had to inform the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP), but May came with news.

As of today, General Resolution 5138/2022 is in force, issued by the collecting authority and published in the Official Gazette, through which the amount from which monthly consumptions made with a debit card must be increased from $30,000 to $120,000. be informed by financial institutions to the AFIP. The amounts indicated include the expenses made by the card add-ons.

Meanwhile, the obligation to report consumption made with debit cards abroad remains in force, both by the cardholder and the additional person(s).

Likewise, it is established that if the monthly withdrawals of cash, the monthly accreditations, the balances at the end of the month or the fixed-term investments accumulate $200,000 or more individually, they must be reported by the AFIP in the respective manner. That amount, until this Monday, was $90,000.

For their part, transfers to and from bank accounts or virtual wallets will be subject to a report by financial institutions to the AFIP if they equal or exceed $400,000.

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