From the mouth of Wan Thanakrit, clearly responding to Fang’s status after numerous rumors that they had ended their 8 year relationship.

2024-04-25 15:27:40

Previously, there were many rumors about their relationship. Wan Thanakrit with Fang Thananthon It’s like they’re breaking up. And after the rumors The couple still hasn’t clearly expressed their love, whether they broke up or not.

Recently, Wan sat down to open up and talk about the show behind the mic, UNCENSORED, and the host asked about Wan and Fang’s love story. Is the current relationship as per the rumors or not? To which Wan responded clearly. It’s the first time that

There’s a sentence Fang said to me 3 years ago: “P’Wan, it’s not like we’re lovers.” It’s like being a very close older brother. A person who talks about everything, talks about work, who is better than us. Tell him it’s okay. Aren’t your friends and wives looking for the same things? Looking for stability?

Stability and uniformity must be boring. Turn to mom and dad. It’s boring. It must be boring. There’s no romance, it doesn’t have to be boring. But it will be a very nice monotony because these two people will always be together.

Some days we don’t even want to talk to each other, we stink, but we still boil the soup and leave it for them. I don’t want him to starve. I told Fang it was very strange. I myself have never been with anyone for 8 years, which may seem banal or basic to adults.

I don’t know if Fang’s lifestyle and mine have any similarities. There are certainly things that are different. But there are certainly things that are similar. We all need to have our own time. We will have our own private room. And we won’t be disorganized. We won’t be busy during his family day. We will have a garden here in front of the house that we can share, come for a walk, come and spend time together.

But no one will ask you anything that might bother you. It’s like this all the time. Until one day Fang asked that day So I said it was boring. This is the essence of dating. I’m starting to understand that when I say 7 years of love, the magic number 7 is because it’s like Again like before

I trust Fang. I thank him every day for making some changes in order to be with a boring, stupid person like me. I adjusted myself to being able to be with someone as cute and cool as Fang. No one is one hundred percent good. Even if it’s still like this Or get married and live together, I’m sure I can take care of him.

Because I started to see what I had to do for him. What I had to do was hold my space to be myself.

This is the Originally Answered: No matter what happens, it’s always straw, right?

That’s right.

Because there are so many rumors?

Oh, there’s a lot of news. Until the people writing the news didn’t even ask me. And this is the first time I’m talking about this. The cool thing is that Fang doesn’t speak. I am a person who does not speak. And then we went out to eat together 4-5 times before I was ordained. I said it was good. Leave it like that. Let them talk. Then we ate delicious shabu. See where this story is going.

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Nobody dared to ask?

Yes, I’ll tell the truth if it’s cool. I would say I can’t take this relationship any further in 8 years, I can’t, but I don’t see what’s wrong with that. Suppose there really is no straw. I still can’t think of anyone who made my heart race like that time.

What issues cause Wan and Fang to argue most often?

No, we’ve been arguing for 8 years, but that’s not the main thing (pretends to think), if there is, he complains to me about being late some days. Go out with friends sometimes, come back late, it’s simple, and I’ll complain about being late. It’s not like I have to go to the bathroom for a long time. I don’t mind this, but what I often complain about is setting aside time. Because I’m growing up. If Fang doesn’t like it, he won’t go. If I don’t like it, I won’t go. I’m going to tell him that if it’s not necessary, I won’t go. My partner rarely goes to work.

Fang is a very charming and cute person. Let’s go see a movie for the first time. Tell Fang he wants to eat. He said he wanted to eat and go buy it. Fang will go buy movie tickets. So he doesn’t see we’re watching a movie together. Tell him it’s not the Mos era, it’s not Tao. We can buy movie tickets and popcorn together. But I went down to buy some. Fang bought a movie ticket, tore it up and gave it to the attendant. I thought to myself: I definitely found someone I love. He’s that kind of person.

Do you have a wedding plan?

I’m ready all the time. I prefer it to be ready. It’s not that I take my age for granted. You will become infertile and the end will waste away. I don’t think it’s fair if we love each other at some point. Take different styles, different people want to dress. I don’t want to use my own reasons to push him to do this.

Wan always said: you can dress whenever you want because you’re ready. But should the bride be made of straw?

Yes, if we are confident We believe it and always love it like that. Anytime Or maybe there won’t be a wedding. Maybe there’s nothing wrong.

Today, we still like each other. And you still want this person to be by our side forever?

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