From the gate of Punjab .. Will Imran Khan return to the government of Pakistan?

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Khan’s party took control of the local parliament in Sunday’s elections "Punjab" The country’s most populous state, this by-election included the selection of 20 new local representatives, and was a test of the popularity of the former international cricket star whose government was toppled in a vote of no confidence last April.

party won "fairness movement" Khan’s leader has 15 of the 20 seats up for vote in the 371-member provincial assembly, bringing the number of seats held by the party and its allies in the lower house of Punjab to 188, two more than the simple majority of 186 needed to govern the province.

The Pakistan Muslim League, led by current Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, settled for 4 seats, and the last seat was won by an independent candidate.

A heavy blow to the ruling coalition
Commenting on this, the Pakistani academic, Fazl Taqiuddin, said: "Khan’s victory is a major blow to the ruling coalition led by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, although it does not pose any direct threat to the government in Islamabad, but it has affected Shahbaz’s son and may have repercussions for his father.".

Taqi Al-Din added, to"Sky News Arabia"it’s a "Over the years, he kept Punjab ProvinceWith its large population density, it is a stronghold of the Pakistan Muslim League, Shahbaz Sharif, and his older brother Nawaz Sharif, who served as prime minister three times.".

He pointed out that "Since Khan’s ouster as prime minister, he has held several mass rallies for his party’s supporters. And his victory in Punjab is proof that he is still an electoral force that cannot be underestimated".

He explained that "In the coming days, the Punjab Council will elect its prime minister to replace the son of the current prime minister, Sharif Hamza Shahbaz, who is currently the chief minister of Punjab province.".

He pointed out that "Sunday’s vote is seen as an indicator for the national legislative elections that are scheduled to be held in October next year, although in light of the crises facing the Shahbaz government, one of the solutions may be to head towards early elections.".

He stressed that the current government is facing major economic challenges, the latest of which was the lifting of fuel subsidies, which increased prices by 50% in less than two months, in addition to security disturbances, and then all of this affected the election results and contributed to the sweeping of Imran Khan’s party.

Early elections
wrote Imran Khan In a tweet Monday after the results were released in Punjab state that "The only way to move forward anymore is to hold free and transparent elections. Every other path will lead to more political uncertainty and more economic chaos".

Since his exit from power, Khan has held rallies that attracted thousands, giving long speeches in which he asserted that a US-led conspiracy had imposed the current government.

He holds the local government responsible for the high rise in inflation, although most analysts say that Sharif inherited the economic crisis in the country, which is likely to ease with the signing of an agreement last week with the International Monetary Fund to resume implementation of the $ 7.2 billion aid plan.

According to local media in Pakistan, the voters wanted, through this vote, to convey a message to the country’s officials about the economic suffering they are experiencing, as prices are witnessing a significant increase, while the government seeks to address the external debt crisis.


Khan’s party dominated the local parliament in elections held Sunday in “Punjab”, the country’s most populous state. This by-election included the selection of 20 new local deputies, and it was a test of the popularity of the former international cricket star who was toppled his government in a vote of no confidence last April.

party won”fairness movementKhan’s leadership has 15 of the 20 seats up for vote in the 371-member provincial assembly, bringing the number of seats held by the party and its allies in the lower house of Punjab to 188, two more than the simple majority of 186 needed to govern the province.

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The Pakistan Muslim League, led by current Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, settled for 4 seats, and the last seat was won by an independent candidate.

A heavy blow to the ruling coalition
Commenting on this, the Pakistani academic, Fazal Taqiuddin, said, “Khan’s victory is a strong blow to the ruling coalition led by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, although it does not pose any direct threat to the government in Islamabad, but it affected Shahbaz’s son and may have repercussions for his father.” .

Taqi Al-Din added, to “Sky News Arabia”, that “Over the years, the Punjab ProvinceWith its large population density, it is a stronghold of the Pakistan Muslim League, Shahbaz Sharif, and his older brother Nawaz Sharif, who held the prime ministership three times.

He noted that “since Khan was ousted as prime minister, he has held many mass rallies for his party’s supporters. His victory in Punjab is proof that he remains an electoral force that cannot be underestimated.”

He explained that “in the coming days, the Punjab Council will elect its prime minister to replace the son of the current prime minister, Sharif Hamza Shahbaz, who is currently the prime minister of Punjab.”

He pointed out that “Sunday’s vote is seen as an indicator of the national legislative elections that are scheduled to be organized in October next year, although in light of the crises facing the Shahbaz government, one of the solutions may be to head towards early elections.”

He stressed that the current government is facing major economic challenges, the latest of which was the lifting of fuel subsidies, which increased prices by 50% in less than two months, in addition to security disturbances, and then all of this affected the election results and contributed to the sweeping of Imran Khan’s party.

Early elections
wrote Imran Khan He tweeted Monday after the results were released in Punjab that “the only way to move forward any longer is to hold free and transparent elections. Any other path will lead to more political uncertainty and more economic chaos.”

Since his exit from power, Khan has held rallies that attracted thousands, giving long speeches in which he asserted that a US-led conspiracy had imposed the current government.

He holds the local government responsible for the high rise in inflation, although most analysts say that Sharif inherited the economic crisis in the country, which is likely to ease with the signing of an agreement last week with the International Monetary Fund to resume implementation of the $ 7.2 billion aid plan.

According to local media in Pakistan, the voters wanted, through this vote, to convey a message to the country’s officials about the economic suffering they are experiencing, as prices are witnessing a significant increase, while the government seeks to address the external debt crisis.

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