From Snowflakes to Warmth: The Beijing Winter Olympics Volunteers in Action

2023-06-08 10:27:00

Original Title: Capital Development Tour in the New Era·Spiritual Civilization Construction | Pieces of “Snowflakes” to Warm the Winter Olympics

“Just like all athletes, you have also proved that we can only achieve faster, higher and stronger if we are united.” On April 7 last year, IOC President Bach sent a letter to all volunteers of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics , express admiration and thanks for their dedication.

“A most beautiful business card of the city.” This is the evaluation given to the volunteers following the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Fourteen years later, more than 18,000 volunteers at the Beijing Winter Olympics, with professional and meticulous services and a full spirit, once once more let foreign athletes feel the hospitality and civility of the Chinese people, and will also be “the most beautiful city card” “It gets brighter and brighter.

Although more than a year has passed since the unparalleled Winter Olympics, countless wonderful moments have been marked by history. Among them, the Winter Olympics volunteers are like small pieces of passionate snowflakes, warming the cold winter of 2022 and lighting up the world-renowned event. This warmth will always remain in people’s hearts.

“For the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, as a city volunteer, my post is next to the Bird’s Nest; for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, as a city volunteer, my post is in Wangjing SOHO. Volunteering is also exciting.” said Li Yue, a Beijing urban volunteer and former Party branch secretary and deputy director of Wangjing Li Nan Social Work Office in Chaoyang District, Beijing.

On January 25, 2022, city volunteers for the Beijing Winter Olympics will be fully employed. The Wangjing SOHO City Volunteer Service Station also officially started its service work. As a volunteer for the “Double Olympics”, Li Yue will work with volunteers from all walks of life in the service station to provide guidance, information consultation, civilized publicity, cultural dissemination, and disability assistance services to citizens in the next two months. Various forms of voluntary services. Li Yue said: “Although our Wangjing SOHO City Volunteer Service Station is not near the Winter Olympics venues, there is a large flow of people here, and volunteer services are also promising.”

Participated in the Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games, celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and other major events as volunteers. Li Yue, who was named “the most beautiful social worker”, became a volunteer service team on the first day of his post as a volunteer for the Winter Olympics backbone. According to Li Yue, in her social work office, more than 40 volunteers and two other service teams take turns to guard the Wangjing SOHO City Volunteer Service Station.

After working for more than ten days, some student volunteers asked Li Yue, “What can we do for the Winter Olympics if we are not serving in the stadium?” Li Yue always smiled and led the volunteers to find a sense of belonging with actions. On January 22 last year, Beijing experienced light to moderate snowfall. As soon as the volunteers at the service station arrived at their posts, they took the initiative to sweep snow and ice with nearby property personnel and security guards to clear roads for citizens.

During the whole volunteer service period, Li Yue and the city volunteers at the service station did it, and encountered many heart-warming little things. The young girl who was rushing to work broke her hand, so she found a service station for help. Li Yue took out the first aid kit, disinfected it with iodophor, and then put on a band-aid. The treatment of minor injuries can be done in one minute; citizens are invited to write down Blessings to the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. During the conversation, they discovered that a little brother who wrote “keep the champion in China” turned out to be a compatriot from Taiwan, and the volunteers invited him to cheer for the Winter Olympic athletes…

“We don’t serve in the stadium, but the temperature conveyed by the city volunteers is equally hot. As long as you do it with your heart, no matter what position you are in, you are serving the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympics.” Li Yue said.

The reporter learned that many college student volunteers have started voluntary service since middle school or even elementary school. They also brought their experience of volunteer service to the Winter Olympics.

Since the first time when he was a volunteer in high school, he stood on the podium of supporting education, and the fire of volunteer service was ignited in Deng Ke’s heart. In more voluntary teaching activities, Deng Ke saw the gap in education between urban and rural areas, which also made her determined to continue to take the road of voluntary teaching. After being admitted to Renmin University of China, she joined the volunteer education department of the school’s Youth Association and went to Hua’ao Primary School, a school for the children of migrant workers in the city, to volunteer.

Deng Ke’s most memorable volunteer service experience is the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics. During the Winter Olympics, Deng Ke worked as an INFO system operator in the main media center, mainly inputting event press conference information to serve participating media. When he first arrived at work, Deng Ke felt a little lonely, facing a screen every day, and he was an out-and-out “behind the scenes” worker. In her opinion, there is no distinction between high and low volunteer services, and every volunteer is a screw, and the joint efforts of everyone can ensure the perfect operation of the “large machine” of the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. “My work is also useful. My teammates and I are an important part of supporting the smooth holding of the event conference. Any mistakes in any part will affect the whole.”

Over the years, Deng Ke has volunteered for a total of 977 hours as a teaching teacher, Winter Olympics volunteer, and unpaid blood donor. What makes her insist on volunteering? In Deng Ke’s view, she also gained growth and harvest in volunteer service.

Pay tribute with the most beautiful smile

In the Winter Olympics, professional volunteers play a very important role in the volunteer family.

Li Yangning is a graduate student in the direction of sports economics and industry of Beijing Sport University. During the Beijing Winter Olympics, she joined the award ceremony team of the National Alpine Ski Center and became an award ceremony volunteer.

Every time an athlete stepped onto the podium, the etiquette volunteers paid tribute to the athlete with the best posture and the most beautiful smile.

When she learned that she had the opportunity to become a Winter Olympics etiquette volunteer, Li Yangning, who met the requirements in terms of her own qualifications, academic background and foreign language ability, did not hesitate to sign up. After several rounds of selection, she was selected as she wished. But being selected only passed the first hurdle, and the difficult second hurdle – “training hurdle” followed one following another. In 2021, Li Yangning and other etiquette volunteers participated in a one-month professional training. The content includes not only training of basic movements such as hand positions and steps, but also temperament improvement courses such as dance and facial expression management. Li Yangning said: “I am not from a major. To be honest, I found it difficult to train at the beginning, but the teacher has been encouraging us, and everyone has persevered. They have made significant progress in their own manners and etiquette.”

The third level is the actual combat training in the venue. Before the start of the Winter Olympics, the etiquette volunteers, under the leadership of the venue teachers, had to go through the awarding flow line repeatedly to ensure complete familiarity and no blank spots. The National Alpine Ski Center is an outdoor venue, and the award ceremony must also be held outdoors. The coldest days feel the temperature is more than minus 20 degrees Celsius, and the wind is particularly strong. This is a severe test for the etiquette volunteers. They have to do Direct service or wait with a tray of medals.

“These few minutes on the awards square are the condensed years of sweat and hard work of the athletes, and they are their most glorious moments. Therefore, no matter how uncomfortable the weather conditions are, we must perform our best and pay tribute to the athletes.” This is the voice of Li Yangning and his partners.

As the competition progressed, Li Yangning ushered in the fourth level. Whether it is guiding athletes to the podium or going to the media area for interviews, etiquette volunteers need to flexibly adjust their gestures and communicate with athletes with their eyes. After actual battles, Li Yangning’s movements became more and more proficient, and his presentation became more and more perfect, showing the demeanor of Chinese youth to the world.

Handicapped stands warm people’s hearts

In addition to providing services for referees, athletes and other professionals, in many competitions, the ones who are closer to you are the competition volunteers. They provide warm service to everyone inside and outside the stadium, in the stands, and in the auditorium.

Wang Zibo is one of the few disabled volunteers at the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Wearing a hearing aid, he can communicate normally like a healthy person.

In 2022, Wang Zibo will still be a senior student in the Computer Department of Beijing Jiaotong University. Although he was born with hearing impairment, he still signed up to participate in the selection of volunteers and became the event service assistant of the National Stadium.

During the venue training, Wang Zibo paid special attention to the “barrier-free wheelchair seating area”. In order to improve the viewing experience of the disabled, the National Stadium has carried out barrier-free renovations in multiple areas. Barrier-free stands have also been added to the stadium, leaving the seats with the best viewing positions for disabled spectators. During the Winter Olympics, Wang Zibo saw his colleagues guide the disabled spectators to the barrier-free viewing area once more and once more, and the empathy he felt warmed his heart.

“Welcome to the National Stadium”, “May I ask for any help”, “Please pay attention to your steps when you leave the seat”, “Please take your belongings with you”… During the venue service, Wang Zibo’s meticulous guidance and sincere smile won the audience And the affirmation of the venue manager.

Wang Zibo remembers that before the ice hockey match between the Chinese team and the German team, a foreign spectator might not find a seat. When he was guided to sit down, the spectator took out his mobile phone and took a photo with him. This made Wang Zibo feel that the greatest happiness is helping others. During his service in the Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, he became the “heart-warming business card” of the National Stadium with his high-quality service.

【Said by those who have experienced it】

Li Nianxin, School of Audiovisual Media, Beijing Film Academy: Inheriting the “Double Olympic City” baton, my father and I cheer for the future

Whether in the Beijing competition area or the Yanqing competition area, there are many family volunteers. The whole family joins the battle, each exerting their professional skills and contributing to the Winter Olympics.

On the night of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Li Nianxin, a student from the Beijing Film Academy’s School of Audiovisual Media, and her father were on duty at the Bird’s Nest site at the same time. The father and daughter, the father is the leader of the 8K signal production team for the Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony of China Central Radio and Television, and the daughter is a photography assistant in the field of photography and operation. The 450 photojournalists provide guidance and assistance.

“In 2008, I was fascinated by the unparalleled Beijing Olympic Games in front of the TV screen, and planted the seeds of becoming a volunteer in my heart. Later, I got my wish and became a professional volunteer for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. This is inseparable from my family support and encouragement.” Li Nianxin told reporters that before participating in the Winter Olympics volunteer training, her father told her: “Smile is the best business card, let the world remember the smiles of volunteers and the demeanor of Chinese youth. “

Li Nianxin remembered his father’s instructions and began to serve the event together with many professional volunteers from the Beijing Film Academy. Soon, she heard that her father had also finished reporting and came to work in the venue where she was. She is very proud to be able to witness her hometown becoming a “Double Olympic City” with her father. She said that during the event, she and her father were busy in their respective positions. Although they might not see each other often, they often cheered each other on.

A hasty group photo of the father and daughter was left during a job handover. “From 2008 to 2022, my father and I have worked hard in the professional field. Our family has passed on the baton of hard work for Beijing’s ‘Double Olympic City’ along the way. Let’s cheer for the future together!”

【Reporter’s Notes】

Volunteering for the Winter Olympics is a “Golden Business Card of China”

Although it has been more than a year since the Beijing Winter Olympics closed, we still can’t forget the vivid scene of the “slight fire” lighting up the world, and the winter Olympic feelings that the dream will always fly. Among them, countless volunteers have vividly interpreted the “Beijing Winter Olympics Spirit” with their own efforts.

They have the bigger picture in mind. A total of more than 18,000 volunteers were recruited for the Beijing Winter Olympics. Among them, the Beijing competition area accounted for 63%, the Yanqing competition area accounted for 12%, and the Zhangjiakou competition area accounted for 25%. Young people under the age of 35 accounted for 94%, the main force for volunteer services. Games volunteer services cover 41 business areas, including sports competitions, venue management, language services, and news operations. As General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics Summary and Commendation Conference: The volunteers provided heart-warming services with youth and dedication, showing the world the image of vigorous Chinese youth.

They are confident and open. They are attentive and enthusiastic when guiding foreign friends; providing event information to the media, they are accurate; when presenting awards to athletes, they smile and bless. In front of every foreign friend, they are lovely and respectable “golden business cards of China”.

They rise to the challenge. Familiar with the route and survey the venues over and over once more; practice hand positions and steps over and over once more, with uniform standards; gusts of cold wind, sticking to a dozen warm babies and insisting on waiting on the tray… No matter how difficult it is, I can’t chew it. All efforts and dedications are for the solemn promises made by the Chinese people to the international community.

They strive for excellence. The information is neatly arranged, the eyes are always smiling and sincere, the audience is full of doubts and questions, and the foreign guests greet each other with cold and warm greetings…Perfect details are the goal they pursue, and spiritual integration is the purpose of their service.

They create the future together. After the Winter Olympics, many foreign athletes said reluctantly when they returned home: “I will cry on the plane, I will choke up, love you!” “I will definitely bring the best memories of the Winter Olympics in my life.” Go home.” The strong voice of the era of “towards the future together” undoubtedly contains the sincere service of dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress of the vast number of Winter Olympics volunteers.

Praise to the great “Beijing Winter Olympics Spirit”! Praise for the sincere and long-lasting Winter Olympics volunteer service!

Liu Yang, Wang Wei, Zhang Yuemeng, Cui Yifei, Lei Jia/TextReturn to Sohu to see more

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