From Poverty to Success: The Inspiring Journey of Francis, a Teacher at St. Albert’s College, Ernakulam

2023-08-05 17:13:00

It is an indisputable fact that success is certain if you combine determination, perseverance, hard work and self-confidence. There are many who have proved it. One of them is Francis, a teacher at St. Albert’s College, Ernakulam. He is definitely a role model for the youth. This is the story of France that has overcome crises and obstacles.

Childhood soaked in tears

He was born in Thoppumpadi Saudi as the fourth of five children of Mukatchako and Mabel, a poor and illiterate fisherman. The father is on the verge of suicide following his shrimp business collapsed. The mother stood in the kitchen with tears and prayers, not knowing how to change the children’s hunger. Days and nights of abject poverty. Unwilling to lose, Chacko learned to ride a bicycle at the age of 45 and started trading in fish. Francis also became an assistant at the age of ten. From 7th to 10th standard, I also earned income by selling boats for the cost of my studies.

The problem is life

After the cataract surgery, the father rested. When the brothers turned to carpentry and welding, Francis decided to do his father’s work alone. That’s how the encounter with life started with the borrowed ten rupees and my grandfather’s old bicycle. Sailboat trade was also conducted on Saturdays and Sundays when there was no school. After passing the 10th standard, I wanted to study further. But there is no money in hand. That’s how thep (iron) gets into work. Tep is today synonymous with cheating, but it was Tep that helped Francis cross the hurdle of undergraduate. During my undergraduate studies, the main source of income was selling fish. Francis B.A. swam in the midst of financial difficulties. Passed Economics!

Learning and teaching

The first job is obtained on the 72nd application. In a private institution. Salary Rs.600. When Francis told the father of the church that he was ready to give free tuition to the children of a poor fish worker and that he wanted to facilitate it, he realized the goodness of Francis and took the two teachers with him by paying half of the salary. Francis took home tuition along with free tuition. Realizing that his path was in teaching, Francis joined B.Ed with three thousand rupees, which he had accumulated in six years following B.A. Then he took M.A. He earned money for his studies by teaching in a parallel college and taking home tuition.

Doctorate in life and research

He first got a job as a guest lecturer at St. Albert’s College. Appointment is received just before the expiry of the age limit. It was an important turning point in life. Later Araikkal got a permanent appointment through the mercy of his father but had to wait for six years to get his salary. At the time of the fish trade, mothers were always seen in the harbor. He was well acquainted with everyone. Thus their life itself became the subject of research. Gurunath Dr. I was very happy to have Ajith as my guide. The doctorate was the triumphant culmination of Francis’s struggling career.

Francis’ life partner is Cincy, a special school teacher. The children are Elnino studying in 10th standard and Lvin studying in 7th standard.


Having survived his childhood by eating hunger and swimming in the sea of ​​suffering in his youth, Francis is not only a teacher but also a textbook today. Those who can’t bear even small sorrows, those who think of suicide even for small problems, those who are disappointed even for small things should know the story of Francis. And the story of father Chacko who kept his wife and children together without committing suicide.

Uma Anand

[email protected]

#Francis #Light #Mangalam

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