“From now on the responsibility lies with the president-elect”

2023-11-20 03:30:00

Forceful and logical. This is how the defeat of Peronism in the 2023 runoff can be described in this Monday newspaper. Contrary to what was anticipated, the result was not close at all and the official formula of Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi lost by more than 11 points. The difference was such that the former candidate and current Minister of Economy recognized defeat even before the official data were known.

“Obviously, The results are not what we expected, I have contacted Milei (by Javier) to congratulate him and wish him luckbecause he is the president that the majority of Argentines elected for the next four years,” Massa said at the opening of his speech.

And he added: “From tomorrow, the responsibility, the task of providing certainty, of transmitting guarantees regarding the political, social and economic functioning of Argentina belongs to the new president-elect and we hope that he does so.”

They were the voters who opted for the official formula in the runoff, which received 44.29% of the votes.

After eight at night, from the Unión por la Patria bunker, located in Chacarita, Sergio Massa took the stage, accompanied by his running mate Agustín Rossi; the leader of La Cámpora and deputy Máximo Kirchner; the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof; the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro; and the head of AYSA, Malena Galmarini, among others.

Long faces, tears and some whistles accompanied Massa’s speech. Neither President Alberto Fernández nor Vice President Cristina Kirchner were presentas well as during the August primary elections and the October general elections.

I want to tell you, from a personal point of view, that today a stage in my political life ends.. And surely life will bring me other tasks and responsibilities, but know that you will always count on me defending the values ​​of work, public education, national industry, federalism as central values ​​of Argentina“added Massa, and thanked the Argentines who voted for him. Last night it emerged that leave would be taken to ensure an orderly transition.

Massa and the victory of Javier Milei: the orphan votes

The official formula failed to keep the percentage of orphan votes that he needed and that, for the most part, they leaned towards the libertarian candidate. There was also a low number of blank votes.

From the beating that the official formula received in the PASO electionsto come first in the general elections, almost 100 days passed until yesterday’s heavy defeat in the runoff. In the middle everything happened, from an unprecedented election of thirdsto the breakup of a part of Together for Change, with the anger of radicalism, following Macri’s support for Javier Milei’s space.

I understand those out there who feel disappointment, anger. “I tried to give the best of myself in this campaign.”

Sergio Massa.

In almost the entire day yesterday, Javier Milei’s space was satisfied with the electoral development, while Peronism reported irregularities, like tearing up ballots. The opposite of what had been seen in the previous elections and which, in some way, gave the first indications of what the results indicated hours later.

The faces of militancy Peronist were eloquent, following knowing the official results. (Photo: courtesy of AP Matías Delacroix)

The strategy of both forces was to conquer the vote that had been orphaned, that is, without political representation since the general elections. Taking into account the results of October 22, if Sergio Massa kept 40% of those votes that had been distributed between Together for Change, We Do for Our Country and the Left and Workers Front, it was enough for him, but it was more regarding 30%, far from its objective.

In yesterday’s elections, the Argentine electorate was faced with two antagonistic models of the country for the next four years and widespread discontent with the current state of the country, which accumulates an interannual inflation of more than 142%; Poverty above 40% and a local currency in constant devaluation were decisive and the electorate opted for a change.

Massa also said in his speech that he proposed to President Alberto Fernández and Javier Milei that “from today, linkage and transition mechanisms” for democratic replacement be implemented. “So that Argentines have no doubts in the next 19 days, nor uncertainty regarding the normal political, social, economic and institutional functioning,” he noted.

Massa and the victory of Javier Milei: a support that weighed

The immediate support from Macrismo for La Libertad Avanza, led by the Together for Change formula that was left out of the runoff, Patricia Bullrich and Luis Petri, It was a risky move, but it paid off.

At first it seemed like a hasty maneuver, which even made Peronism feel comfortable, but the results showed the opposite. Parallel to thisthe lack of definition of Juan Schiaretti, with more comments once morest Sergio Massa than in favor also had their effect.

From now on, the responsibility, the task of providing certainty, of transmitting guarantees, is the responsibility of the president-elect.”

Sergio Massa.

Taking into account the negative image of the government of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner, it was unthinkable that the ruling party would even have a chance at the elections. The inmates of Together for Change gave another life to Peronism.

Again, with the critical economic indicators of the current national governmentto say that it was clearly a bad choice on the part of Peronism is, at the very least, unrealistic. And reaching the runoff in the terminal situation in which the country is was unthinkable, even at the beginning of this year.

Between the unconventional figure of Javier Milei, with an electoral platform that seems complex to apply, added to the breakup of Together for ChangePeronism found the air it needed to compete, but not to win.

Massa and the victory of Javier Milei: Governments far from citizens

While traditional politics shared the blame, fueled the rift and discussed economic models, the figure of Javier Milei did not stop growing.

On the one hand There is the management of the Frente de Todos that was marked by the very tough internal conflicts between the space of Cristina Kirchner and that of Alberto Fernández, which conditioned the decision-making of the entire national apparatus. On the other hand, the mistakes of Together for Change that left the millionaire debt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Despite the differences, both models had a common factor: Both political decisions and government projects failed to resolve the needs of the Argentine electorate.. The distance between Casa Rosada and citizens increased, leaving blank workers below the poverty line, and an entire generation of young people who do not want either of the two models that governed since 2015 and see their future conditioned.

#responsibility #lies #presidentelect

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