from Lisbon to Los Angeles before spring

While we can hope for a relative return to normal for the spring, two years following the first confinement, issue 52 of The Good Lifeon newsstands February 17, is crossing the Atlantic, and the United States, to shine its spotlight on Los Angeles.

Contents – among others – of number 52 of The Good Life :

  • The Good Mayor : Last September, Carlos Moedas was elected mayor of Lisbon to everyone’s surprise. Previously an engineer, economist, financier, European commissioner, deputy, entrepreneur and secretary of state, this new city councilor, proud to be a “moderate”, has multiplied initiatives to support the economy during the pandemic. Its great ambitions: to restore social diversity in all the districts of the Portuguese capital, and to make Lisbon a center of innovation that counts in Europe. To succeed, he relies on the participation of citizens in his projects… which he details in The Good Life in an exclusive interview. By Loïc Hecht and Patrice Piquard.
  • Maximale City :Since the violent but short recession caused by the Covid-19 crisis in 2020, the economy of The Angels resumed its march forward. Its port, its high-tech industries, its film studios, its start-ups and its construction sector are showing strong growth, to the point that they are struggling to find staff. Only tourism and the retail trade are gray. This does not prevent the South California way of life – creativity, relaxation, optimism – from continuing to shine… By Patrice Piquard.
  • The Good Companies : We would almost shed a tear on that time when your neighbor stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray in the armrest at the back of the planewhere the suitcases didn’t have wheels, and with tissues that weren’t even made of paper… All the more reason to bring them out! By Francois Simon.
  • The Good Vintage Getaway : An air of resemblance to Alaska, almost Norwegian fjords: the landscapes of ” Nova Scotia » flirt with the Far North, but give off a lot of sweetness. They have not changed since the conquest of this northern Canada by the French. Brave pioneers of a barren land battered by the waves, they found it an air of paradise and nicknamed Acadie this world as liquid as it is sylvan. By Genevieve Brunet.
  • The Good Palace : Owned by businessman Stéphane Courbit, the Airelles Collection hotel group, which already owns – among others – the Airelles Val d’Isère and La Bastide hotels in Gordes, opened the Great Control, in Versaillesone of the most exclusive addresses in the world! By Laurent Blanc.

But also a folder Good Shoeson the world of footwear from A to Z, Good Tests car, and our stops so shic, Good Spots, from Paris to Charlevoix.

The Good Life N°52 on newsstands and on The Good Concept Store February 17. DR



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