From illness and family conflicts to rebirth

From the illness to the conflict-ridden relationship with her mother, to financial problems, her time at Caritas and her rebirth. After years of absence, Gerardina Trovato has returned to television, where she told her story in a long interview as a guest of Silvia Toffanin on Verissimo.

Jasmine Paolini at Verissimo: «Love? It’s not easy with the work I do. At the moment I surround myself with friends»

The health problems

“I’m fine. At least here. I’m glad I came to you. I’m very happy to have found the courage, so strong was the desire to go back on stage. What happened had never happened like this before. All these millions of young people on TikTok, an indescribable thing.” With these words Gerardina Trovato began her interview in Verissimo.

“Just a few years after the success, I started to feel bad. Real artists are all ‘hyper’: hyper-vulnerable, hyper-sensitive. Most doctors think that a successful artist is taking drugs or narcotics. I had just made my second album and my doctor started giving me medication for bipolar disorder, which I never had. One morning I tried to get out of bed and I couldn’t. I had to call my housekeeper. I was paralyzed for eight months. I could only move my neck, I couldn’t do anything anymore. I didn’t tell my parents. Then I had a fulminant liver acidosis, the ambulance took me to the hospital immediately. Then an intelligent psychiatrist came, saw what medication I was taking and realized that I had nothing. Finally, my doctor admitted the mistake: ‘I’m sorry, I made a mistake.’ Did I report the doctor? No, I was always afraid,” the singer said.

The conflict-ridden relationship with the mother

Gerardina Trovato then revealed about her conflict-ridden relationship with her mother: “She never really lived. In her old age she had two very bad tumors. She lived the first half of her life as Dr. Trovato’s wife, the second half as Geraldina Trovato’s mother. It is not easy to live like that. Her death saved me financially. Me and a very important man for me. After living with Caritas for three years, I now have my own home. I have a beautiful apartment. Only in 2008 did I have a small relapse because something happened that frightened me. Then the problem was solved.”

Thanks to colleagues

“I want to thank Nek. He supports me in an impressive way and we didn’t even know each other. I also thank Renato Zero,” concluded the singer.

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