From Fields to Fortunes: The Rise of Maize and America’s Economic Evolution

From Fields to Fortunes: The Rise of Maize and America’s Economic Evolution
Michael DeVan, who runs the Michael DeVan Farm, explains the state of his corn farm. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyu

The United States is a leader in ‘precision farming‘. Only a few employees manage large-scale farms that can be driven for hours without end. Current work status can be checked with a smartphone application, and any additional work that is needed can be done by touching the screen. In the vast fields, mobile sprinklers equipped with communication functions silently spray water.

It is easy to think that if you just sow seeds in a vast expanse of land, you will be able to harvest a huge amount of fruit, but everything is done according to a thoroughly calculated method. It is the result of the combination of the spacing between the seeds, the time and amount of watering, and even genetic engineering that ensures that only a certain number of fruits are produced in a certain location.

An automated mobile sprinkler is spraying water on a cornfield. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyuAn automated mobile sprinkler is spraying water on a cornfield. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyu

These cutting-edge farms and associated ethanol manufacturing plants are tightly connected through a logistics network including railways and trailers, optimizing the timing of supply and demand, forming a cluster and establishing themselves as a solid industrial group.

At the invitation of the American Grains Association, reporters from the Korea Automobile Journalists Association (KAJA) visited Nebraska, USA, and were able to closely examine bioethanol production and its final distribution chain.

Bioethanol started as an energy security… now a decarbonization alternative

The United States currently requires the use of ‘E10’ fuel, which is a 10% ethanol blend in gasoline, and is pushing to mandate ‘E15’, which increases the amount by 5%.

This movement is the result of considering ways to reduce overseas energy dependence during the oil crisis in the 1970s. At the time, it was confirmed that there was no problem using ethanol made from common crops such as corn and sugarcane diluted with gasoline, and its use began, and in 2007 it became mandatory. At that time, the world had adopted the Kyoto Protocol (1997) to prevent global warming, so interest in carbon emissions was high.

As a result, American corn farmers have a stable way to use their surplus crop, and the government holds the key to responding flexibly to various external situations.

Michael Devan, the farm owner, explains how to grow corn. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyuMichael Devan, the farm owner, explains how to grow corn. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyu

The Michael Deavan corn farm in Nebraska, USA, which I visited this time, has 2,400 acres (approximately 9.71 million m2) of corn cultivation area, and including 800 acres of soybeans, the total area is 3,200 acres (12.95 million m2). It is larger than 1,814 soccer fields. The farm is managed by a total of four people, including the farm owner, Mike Deavan.

“The corn stalks are spaced five inches apart, 30 inches apart per furrow,” said Mr. DeVern. “That means 16 rows at a time, planting 120,000 seeds per second across the field, or eight miles (12.9 km) per hour.”

Michael Devan manages a farm the size of more than 1,800 soccer fields using a smartphone application. He has only four employees. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyuMichael Devan manages a farm the size of more than 1,800 soccer fields using a smartphone application. He has only four employees. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyu

In order to make the most of the machine and to grow crops stably, the timing of sowing is important. Usually, you should plant as early as possible when the ground is dry in April or May. If it rains, the heavy machine cannot enter the field, and you miss the timing. Since it gets cold from the end of October, you should also consider the timing of harvest.

This type of precision farming in the US leads to a reduction in carbon emissions during farming. They say that they don’t even have to plow the fields. This is because turning the soil over can release carbon that was in the ground, and the act of plowing itself uses energy.

Making animal feed at a bioethanol plant

There is a large ethanol plant near the corn farm. Photo is by Green Plains Wood River LLC. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyuThere is a large ethanol plant near the corn farm. Photo is by Green Plains Wood River LLC. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyu

Next, we visited the nearby bioethanol plant, Green Plains Wood River LLC. The plant manager, Eric Driessen, gave a presentation.

Nebraska processes 335,000 tons of corn annually, producing 2.3 billion gallons (about 8.7 billion liters) of bioethanol. The state generates $4.5 billion (about 5.9895 trillion won) in annual revenue by selling ethanol and its byproduct, distillers grains and sediment (DDGS).

It takes eight days for the factory to process 1 million bushels (1 bushel = approximately 36 liters, approximately 50 kg) of corn. When the corn is delivered by truck, it is crushed and made into powder. When mixed with yeast and fermented, ethanol can be obtained. After 60 to 65 hours in each fermenter, 17 to 18% ethanol is produced. Some of the residue produced during this process is sent to a blender by rail and used to make beer-grade ethanol.

Corn is ground into powder and mixed with yeast. The photo shows a powder sample. It is edible, but it does not taste good. /Photo=Reporter Park Chan-gyuCorn is ground into powder and mixed with yeast. The photo shows a powder sample. It is edible, but it does not taste good. /Photo=Reporter Park Chan-gyu

The ethanol produced is divided into edible and industrial ethanol, and the industrial ethanol is mixed with 2% gasoline to make it inedible.

About 170 to 200 trucks transport corn every day. The carbon dioxide (CO2) produced during the ethanol production process is also purchased by beverage companies such as Coca-Cola for carbonation.

Eric Driessen, the manager, said, “DDGS that remains after fermentation is used as high-protein feed,” and “ethanol is produced at a final purity of 95%, and if moisture is removed from this, a high-purity product of 99.95% can be produced.” He said that demand has been steadily increasing recently because high-purity ethanol is also needed for cleaning semiconductors and other devices.

Sample of the process of corn being converted into bioethanol. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyuSample of the process of corn being converted into bioethanol. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyu

Nebraska’s Largest Gas Station Company Gives ‘Thumbs Up’ to Ethanol

We also visited Bosselman Enterprises, the largest gas station company in the region, and met with its owner and Chairman Charlie Bosselman, who argued that bioethanol has many benefits for consumers.

Chairman Bosselman emphasized, “The number of people looking for fuel blended with bioethanol is steadily increasing because the price is low,” and “In addition, there are government incentives for bioethanol fuel based on sales volume, which in turn becomes a source of investment for gas stations, so ultimately, consumers benefit.”

According to his explanation, the blending of gasoline and bioethanol takes place at the fuel pump. This requires initial facility investment costs, but the government’s policy has created room for additional investment.

Charlie Bosselman, Chairman. He leads Bosselman Enterprises, which operates a number of gas stations and related businesses. He is confident that bioethanol can be used as a good opportunity. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyuCharlie Bosselman, Chairman. He leads Bosselman Enterprises, which operates a number of gas stations and related businesses. He is confident that bioethanol can be used as a good opportunity. / Photo = Reporter Park Chan-gyu

He explained, “There used to be a tax credit after the E10 mandate, but it’s gone now. The reason many companies are still trying to take advantage of it is because when they sell ethanol, they get RINs (rights to use numbers, a type of carbon credit), which can be used as derivatives to generate additional revenue.”

He gave a positive evaluation, saying, “At first, we sold two types of fuel, but now we have increased to five types of fuel, and new business opportunities have also been created through bioethanol.”

A significant contributor ⁤to the bioethanol production movement in ⁤the United States.

The Precision Farming​ Revolution: How⁤ the United States is Leading the Way in Bioethanol ⁣Production

The United States is at the ‍forefront of precision farming,⁣ where cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques are used to optimize crop yields and reduce environmental impact. In the heart of Nebraska, USA, lies the Michael DeVan Farm, a ​testament to the power⁢ of precision farming. With only a handful of employees, ⁢this vast farm stretches over ‌3,200 acres, ⁣rivaling the size of 1,814 soccer fields.

The Science Behind Precision ⁢Farming

Precision ‌farming is not just about sowing seeds and waiting for⁤ nature to take its course. It involves a⁣ meticulously calculated approach, where every aspect of farming is carefully planned⁢ and executed. ⁤From the spacing between seeds to ⁢the timing and amount of watering, every detail is ​crucial in⁤ ensuring optimal yields. Genetic engineering also plays‌ a significant role in ensuring that only a certain number of ⁤fruits are ‌produced in a specific location.

The farm’s operations are closely monitored ⁢and controlled using advanced software and mobile applications. Farm owner Michael DeVan can check the current​ work status and make adjustments with just a few taps ⁤on his smartphone. The farm’s mobile sprinklers, equipped with communication functions,‌ silently spray water ‍across the fields, further optimizing water usage.

From Farm to Fuel: ⁤The Journey of Bioethanol

The ​United States currently requires the use of E10 fuel, a 10% ethanol blend in gasoline, and is pushing to⁢ mandate E15, which increases the ethanol content by 5%. This movement began as a response to reduce overseas energy dependence during the 1970s oil crisis. Ethanol made from⁢ crops ‍such as corn and sugarcane was found to be a viable alternative, ⁢and its use became mandatory in 2007.

The American Grains‍ Association‌ invited reporters from the Korea Automobile Journalists Association (KAJA) to visit Nebraska,⁣ USA, to explore the bioethanol production process and its final distribution chain. The journey‌ begins on ​the farm, where corn is ⁣harvested and ‍transported to ethanol manufacturing⁣ plants. The plants then convert the corn into ‌ethanol, which ‍is blended with gasoline to create E10 or E15 ‍fuel.

Decarbonization and‍ Energy Security

The shift towards bioethanol is not only driven by energy security concerns but also by the need ​to reduce carbon emissions. As the world grapples with climate​ change, bioethanol ‍offers a cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuels. The use of bioethanol‌ can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up⁢ to 43% compared to‌ gasoline.

The United States is committed to increasing the use of bioethanol, with plans to mandate E15 fuel nationwide. This move is expected to⁤ not only reduce dependence on foreign oil but also create new jobs and stimulate rural ⁣economies.

Precision Farming: The ⁤Key to a Sustainable Future

Precision farming ⁣is revolutionizing the way crops are⁢ grown and harvested. By leveraging advanced technology and innovative techniques, farmers can optimize ⁣yields while reducing environmental impact. As the world⁢ grapples with climate change and food security challenges, precision farming offers a beacon of hope​ for a sustainable future.

The Michael DeVan Farm is a shining example of ⁣the power of precision farming.⁤ With its cutting-edge technology ⁤and meticulous approach, ‌this farm is not only a model of efficiency but also



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