From engagement, love lyrics to sacrifice for Lithuania: Maironis and his lovers | Culture

In this article, we discuss with the scientist Maironis’s love lyrics, the then scandalous collection of poetry “Spring Voices”, the sacrifice of worldly life and early engagements.

Interview you have stated that “Maironis was a real man, indifferent to the beauty of women and fell in love with more than one of them.” Is it known who was Myron’s first love? If so, what is the story?

– Maironis was a normal man who tended to fall in love quite quickly. This, among other things, is shown by his 1920s. Collection of “Voices of Spring” with small photos of women, Poet’s muses. Few men might boast such a collection. The pictures of women in the priest’s book caused a scandal in the media of the time, but the collection showed how courageous Maironis was. This is one. Another, it showed how he trusted a free Lithuania and how he overestimated the internal freedom of Lithuanians. Who his first love was, it is impossible to determine – such things are too intimate. One can only guess, but no one will confirm the guesses one hundred percent.

Šiauliai “Aušras” museum / LIMIS photo/Maironi’s “Voices of Spring”

– Did Maironis ever doubt the priesthood, as did Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas?

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2024-07-07 09:08:15



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